Reader Scours Mandalay Bay Shooting GoFundMe Page For Hillary, Barack, Pelosi… Can’t Find Them – IOTW Report

Reader Scours Mandalay Bay Shooting GoFundMe Page For Hillary, Barack, Pelosi… Can’t Find Them

Kid Rock gave ten grand.

The Oakland Raiders gave fifty grand.

The Clinton Foundation didn’t even give used underwear.

All Too Much is down to the $50 level and hasn’t found an individual lefty of note yet.


20 Comments on Reader Scours Mandalay Bay Shooting GoFundMe Page For Hillary, Barack, Pelosi… Can’t Find Them

  1. Barack and his crew are making sure if any of those guns were Fast and Furious weapons that the appropriate steps are taken. He doesn’t have time or the inclination to donate to a bunch of likely conservatives.

  2. All we can give is hope. Between taxes, college, and pancake mix, we are pretty broke.
    It’s going to be hard to sleep 2nite knowing I was dreaming of rowing a canoe with a bear last nite, est, (weird, I know, but its what I remember) while innocents were being mowed down from a far last night.
    That’s the 1 word that I thought of first.

  3. Murdered, slaughtered come to mind too. So many families torn apart. I’d drag that pussy from San Diego to Seattle, ne thru Chicago, Pitt, the PA pike, up thru NY, VT, NH, ME. down thru CT and Jooisey to the keys where we hang you up!

  4. mcfartus

    “All we can give is hope. Between taxes, college, and pancake mix, we are pretty broke.
    It’s going to be hard to sleep 2nite knowing I was dreaming of rowing a canoe with a bear last nite,”

    The Bear represented aggression. Your aggression. Chin up pal, go get them. The glass is half full.

  5. Give ’em shit, they don’t care ’cause they are Democrats !
    The Party of Pedophilia and general debauchery for all , they’re not a Proud People so don’t expect hurt feelings !!!

  6. No one, not even Fox, is drawing parallels between the motives of the guy who shot Scalise and this guy in Vegas. Tons of speculation — mostly talking about his crazy father and “maybe he had a brain tumor” — but no one talking about anti-Trump stuff. When you’ve got others on the Left tweeting about no sympathy for Republicans, how hard is it to imagine the murderer being similarly motivated?

    (I heard that police on the scene told people to just lie down. ???? Anyone else hear/read that?)

  7. Less than 24 hours after hero first responders ran towards a madman with automatic weapons, the NFL still has players sitting or locking arms in unity during the National Anthem. The NFL is a bad organization, like the Black Panthers, the Commonist Party, the Democrat Party, etc, etc. El Duno for this hombre.

  8. The only ‘charities’ that Dems donate to are political organizations.

    When you read the outpouring of contempt for the victims, by some members of the Left, it’s impossible NOT to realize that the shooter was a like-minded monster.

    This was Vegas, this nutjob could have chosen a myriad of targets–conventions, gatherings…but he chose THIS one…

    This isn’t ISIS, this is Progressivism, anti-Americanism…which is even worse.

  9. my money is on the likelihood that Paddock was on legally prescribed SSRI antidepressants.

    Every single mass shooting that wasn’t by a Filthy Mohammedan Savage has been by someone on SSRI’s:
    -Aurora Colorado movie theatre….SSRI’s
    -VA Tech Korean dude….SSRI’s
    -Gabby Gifford’s shooter in Arizona….SSRI’s
    -Adam Lanza, the POS in CT school shooting….SSRI’s
    -Columbine School Kids….SSRI’s

    Every mass shooting is a three-fer for TV, radio, newspapers.
    1) if it bleeds, it leads. Massacres sell news.
    2) massacres give the Leftist MSM ammo for their insane gun control agenda
    3) covering up SSRI causation allows the MSM to demand even more drug advertising from the bloated Pharma industry. “may cause dick to fall off, hair to fall out, suicidal thoughts…”

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