Reader’s Critters – IOTW Report

Reader’s Critters

Images from our readers:

Bayouwulf 1 & 2
TennDon 3
Dee 4 & 5
Corky 6 & 7
Sturge 8 & 9
Claudia 10 & 11
The Rat Fink 12 & 13

Thanks to all for the great pictures! I receive quite a few, so they are going into my “pile” I keep for future use. I also went back into my old “pile” and added some from the last few years, so you may be seeing a picture you sent long ago show up!

I would still like to enlarge my “pile” so I have plenty of images to choose from. If you have not sent your pictures and would like to possibly see them in the upcoming Sunday Critters, please email them to me at:

Reminder: any image you send to me must be a picture you (or family/friend) took and are willing to have us publish them on this site. They will not be used for any other purpose.

Please use the word ‘Critters‘ in the subject line and include your screen name in the body of the email.

NEEDED: Sometimes I will request specific pictures for a post in the future. Any photos you have (or would like to take) of your critters that pertain to any holiday would be greatly appreciated. Some of the topics I am going to need in the next few months are as follows:

St. Patrick’s Day
Critters with hats on (especially party hats)
Mom and Dad with babies
Critters eating
Critters hiding or playing peek-a-boo
Critters and military or patriotic

Thanks, and have fun!

15 Comments on Reader’s Critters

  1. #8 is Shyye. She’ll be a year old on tax day. I can’t sit down without this one appearing in my lap, but never sitting still. She and her two sisters were headed for the pound when I happened to ask around for a kitten. *A* kitten. Now I have three.

    #9 is Casey. She was at least 2 when I got her, but maybe as old as 5. We spent 20 years teaching each other what we each needed and growing old. Sure do miss her. Best $20 I ever spent.

    Always love these Sunday critters. I’m happy to contribute, honored they were chosen, and grateful that they can make more good people smile.

  2. @LadyGun12, have your Gunnar picture now. I usually work on a post early to give me time to make changes if necessary. I schedule them on Friday or Saturday so I won’t worry about missing my deadline!

    Also, I have tons of pictures, so I will be posting them throughout the year, so be patient! But Gunnar is so adorable, I just might have to use him soon! Give him a smooch for me!

  3. That’s a bunch of sweet faces! The albino deer is incredible! Thanks for publishing iOTWR reader’s personal critters.
    FYI… picture #2 is the face Penny and Ernie make while waiting for me to get out of the shower. 🙂

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