Reagan Era Comic Book Sees Him Cast Him as a Superhero – IOTW Report

Reagan Era Comic Book Sees Him Cast Him as a Superhero

The writer of the post that spotlights these rarely seen comics pissed me of at the onset with this stupid title-


I can’t help but think he is saying that it’s insane to be an “ultra-patriot.”

Yeah, it’s just crazy.

He’s also conflicted as to whether this was an homage to Reagan or a parody, quoting a review:

 Considering Reagan’s reputation with his political opponents of being almost a fascist, this was probably welcome as a heavy political satire, although at the same time it could appeal to the followers of Reagan.

Reagan was a fascist! Wait, let me amend that. An “almost” fascist.

ht/ illustr8r

3 Comments on Reagan Era Comic Book Sees Him Cast Him as a Superhero

  1. I liked the one where Jimmy Carter was crashing his helicopter in an Iranian desert and Reagan’s Raiders got orders to fly in and save him.

    They didn’t. It was 10 pages of them sitting around drinking coffee.

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