Reagan on Race – IOTW Report

Reagan on Race

Feel free to rewind to beginning. This video is a compilation of Reagan’s best debate moments.

7 Comments on Reagan on Race

  1. God I miss that man. This county, whether or not they know it or are willing to admit it, misses him too,

    PDJT comes very close to following his philosophy, and I hope that he watches videos like this one for inspiration and guidance.

  2. What Race is anybody talking about?

    It’s the human race, stupid!

    I do not hear Asians talking about race.

    I do not hear Indians talking about race.

    I do not hear Europeans talking about race.

    I do not hear Eskimos talking about race.

    What’s your problem?

    Maybe, you’re from out of space.

  3. I loved Reagan and he accomplished great things like cutting up the soviet states & restoring American respect.

    However, As much as he had to fight his enemies he had the Pope who hated communism & Maggie Thatcher on his side.

    Donald J. Trump is ALONE in almost ALL of his battles. He sincerely is my new #1 in a more treacherous time, in a more complicated world.

    I’m pulling for him as much as a non citizen of the USA can.

    Most important election ever!

  4. I don’t know how true this story is but here it is. When President Reagan was governor of California, the story goes, an aide rushed in, out of breath, with some stats in his hand. “Governor,” said the aide, “at the rate everything is going, by the year 1970, most UC students will be Asian!” Governor Reagan looked up from his desk for a moment and replied, “So what?”

    That’s the President Reagan I’ll always remember and love, a leader who advocated personal merit and hard work and didn’t give a damn about race.

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