Real Indian sues city for protecting fake Indian – IOTW Report

Real Indian sues city for protecting fake Indian

AMN: A Massachusetts Senate candidate filed a federal lawsuit Sunday after city officials told him to take down signs calling Sen. Elizabeth Warren a “fake Indian.”

The candidate, Shiva Ayyadurai, accused the city of free speech violations after being told to take down the signs showing Warren in a Native American headdress with the words “Only a REAL INDIAN Can Defeat the Fake Indian,” emblazoned on them, the Washington Times reported.

Warren has previously claimed Native American heritage in her past. She has claimed Cherokee ancestry, citing family lore, while being a professor at Harvard Law School.  read more

10 Comments on Real Indian sues city for protecting fake Indian

  1. Hey, not Florida. We have enough problems from you damned Yankees shipping your cast-offs and liberal infiltrators to our wonderful state. We’re right on the cusp of going full New Jersey or Massachusetts on gun rights thanks to those damned liberal invaders.

    Keep them home, or ship them to Hawaii or California, please.

  2. ok they can be banished to cali, we’ll make em smoke a peace pipe then take em out back and kick their asses into the a lake from 30,000 feet.
    and if they go to hawaii they’ll just throw em in a volcano. either way we can handle it, send em on over.

  3. Anyone who publicly calls out that heap big POS liar is a good egg in my book.

    Keep poking her with sticks, roast her over coals. Taunt Harvard on this farce too!

    New England snots must be forced to own their mendacity.

  4. the south used to be a nice place until all the northern yankee progressive idiots moved after retirement and proceeded to vote in the same liberal agenda they moved away from in the first place when they retired.


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