Real, or is he trolling? – IOTW Report

Real, or is he trolling?

28 Comments on Real, or is he trolling?

  1. Don’t know if it’s a troll or for real – but it could happen here in Nolackaloonies, MT. I sti;; see lenty of people driving solo in their cars wearing masks and last week my libneighbor was mowing his yead wearing a mask. He hadn’t done that before to my knowledge. More proof that progressivism is a progressive mental disease.

  2. Is there a contest for the strongest Branch Covidian?

    Who would judge the contest and what is necessary to qualify/enter?

    Is there a petition to sign bringing back the mental institutions?

    So many questions…

  3. Tim Hortons. He might be spraying it because of the butt worms that are in the coffee and not the coof. That shit is nasty, you’d have better chances with the puddle of water at the end of your driveway rather than guaranteed assworms from Tim’s.

  4. So I have a theory that’s beginning to form.

    These Godless bastards regard their personal beliefs as a religion unto itself. They worship themselves and their own needs.

    Does not matter which subject but since they think man is God and therefore each of them is God they can act and behave as if they are Gods.

    They are too stupid to understand that to deny God automatically makes them slaves of Satan and Satan uses pride as a main point of seduction.

    “Surely you shall not die”…the original lie. When God says you shall have no other God’s before me he means that to deny him is to worship Satan.

    To put yourself before God explains the behavior and attitude of these demon possessed monsters.

    I am getting a palable sense of terror from the Pedo, Nazinan, Shitmer, and especially Hillezelbub. They are so close to hell now the flames are warming their feet.

    They know in their hearts that they sold their souls to the original lie and elevated themselves over God.

    They act so pious but damnation is waiting and they know it.

  5. Disinfecting spray is usually “For External Use Only”.
    So for him to spray it all over his cup guar-an-tees SOME of it will get into his coffee.
    I hope he gets sick from it. Idiot.

  6. Trolling or not, I tell you this. If I had been working in that area at that time, sprayboy would have gotten a bucketful of mop water to the face for spraying an unknown aerosol into my workspace.

    I’m serious. That asshat could have been spraying toxic/poisonous/infectious ANYTHING into that area.

  7. I spent almost 8 years in Asia, Japan, Korea and the PI. People wearing masks when they have a cold or the flu is very common and not a big deal. My adult daughter wears a mask when she cleans the horse pens be cause she has asthma. Again no big deal. But wearing masks out of fear is just stupid.

  8. THAT is a Tim Horton’s Coffee shop in Canada.

    Do you understand why I have absolutely NO Fucks to give for this Turdeau Voting SHIT-HOLE I live in!


    With that much alcohol/disinfectant, he would be better off drinking BLEACH!

    Fuckin Canadian ASSHOLE!

    Probably a High school teacher in Brampton!

    I would stand on my fuckin horn until it blew a fuse if I was behind him at the drive through!


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