Real-Time Interactive World Map of the Coronavirus Outbreak – IOTW Report

Real-Time Interactive World Map of the Coronavirus Outbreak

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14 Comments on Real-Time Interactive World Map of the Coronavirus Outbreak

  1. I think that the risk of products and packaging from infected areas will be revisited. This strain seems to be very persistent and highly virulent. The screening kits seem to be less than optimal. Far too many false negatives to be relied upon.

    Hopefully the vaccine will prove to be effective, though, from what I have read, that company does not have a stellar track record. It is cutting edge technology, so it doesn’t necessarily reflect poorly on them. At least they are trying.

    I remember lining up at a local high school parking lot in 1976 to get a Swine Flu shot. I didn’t realize that effort was considered a tremendous flop. Of course, that may have been more because it was the Ford administration that made the decision. Nothing good can come from a Republican, unless it can be claimed by a Democrat.

    I don’t have great confidence in the ability of government to do anything practical to protect us. They have all been emasculated by wokeness. They won’t limit movement of refugees who test positive for TB and other nasty communicable diseases, for fear of making them feel bad.

    The greatest risk seems to be crowded environments and poor hygiene. I touch my hand to my face way too much, so I had best stay home.

    I am suffering through a more conventional but nonetheless quite nasty virus that one of my sons brought home from the university. My other son went to see a doctor after over a week of sore throat and coughing. He was told to expect symptoms to last about two weeks and to maybe eat softer food. I wore a mask to a doctor appointment (unrelated to the virus) yesterday to reduce the risk of transmitting it. I got nasty looks — from some Asians.

    Three flu related deaths have made the news here this flu season. Two were teenage girls attending a private military academy and one was an otherwise healthy young father who died of acute pulmonary distress, after his wife and children had gone through it without incident.

    Viruses are quirky things, or more appropriately, humans are quirky things. My grandfather claims he made it through the Spanish flu, as an army orderly in Europe (reassigned from duty as a bass drum player and artilleryman), and again after demobilizing, by eating an onion (raw) sandwich every day. It kept people at a distance. It was a habit he maintained throughout his life, much to the chagrin of those who had to share the guardhouse(hut) with him when he worked at the nearby defense depot.

    A virologist I worked with, back when I did studies on the things people were prepared to do to other people with pathogens, often said that his greatest fear was what some idiot would do with genetic engineering. I really hope that this virus is not the result of such engineering, but there are some plausible theories floating around.

    On the positive side, trying to use disease as a weapon has not been overly successful, primarily because of the aforementioned quirkiness of human physiology, and the quirkiness of mutating pathogens. Still, it won’t stop some from trying.

    The most valued tool available to an epidemiologist is time. You can’t buy it. Quarantine is the only proven method that provides time. It takes political will to impose quarantines and we seem to have lost it since the success of the AIDS bullying.

    Whatever Trump decides to do will be said to be wrong, so I hope that he ignores the politics and does the right thing. I know what Bro. Mitt or Hillary would have done and am grateful we dodged at least that bullet.

  2. So 7.8% of people who got it died. That’s bad but that means a 92% survival rate?

    If you take the total confirmed, that means the chance of dying is .000003%.

    I’ll take them odds

  3. As for me and my house – just in case MRE’s and water stocked for 4 weeks. (Family can use backpacking next year if not needed). Ammo on hand for those potential short-sighted visitors we may get from neighboring “urban” areas who haven’t planned.

    Be prepared just in case.

    Am starting to think it may be a nothing burger (Thank God!)

  4. AC Parker… you know…funny you mention that. BEFORE the outbreak I ordered a small wooden rolling pin to make homemade baozi /bao and potstickers for the upcoming Chinese New Year. I hate store-bought stuff and thought it could be fun to figure it out. Well it arrived early FEB, and had all the chinese markings from the area it was shipped. Of course by this time the Coronavirus is gaining momentum and a daily topic in the news. I freaked.

    I just left the unwrapped package outside in the sub zero weather. This past MONDAY I brought it in.

  5. They turned out awesome! Although without using the wooden rolling pin, the dough was a bit thick. I made pork potstickers with cabbage and used some red chili sauce… which wasn’t as fiery as you’d think. The trick is to NEVER overwork the Meat. You want the meat to be loose and succulent not a tough hunk of meat that falls out with your first bite. I was impressed how easy it was… of course I had two beers while assembling everything. I didn’t attempt the BAOZI/BAO, because that seemed trickier technique with the manipulation of the dough. It’s all about rolling out the perimeter of the circle as thin as possible and the center thick, and for that you’d need the cootied wooden rolling pin… which was outside.


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