Real Women of America Calendar Now Available – IOTW Report

Real Women of America Calendar Now Available

Washington Examiner

Former NCAA competitive swimmer Riley Gaines has created a calendar representing conservative women.

Ultra Right Beer, a beer company countering Bud Light, has teamed up with Gaines on its “Real Women of America” 2024 calendar. More

The calendar can be found Here

23 Comments on Real Women of America Calendar Now Available

  1. Shapirio and the Daily Wire guys are funding conservative un-woke movies and enterprises that aren’t beholden to woke banks and Hollywood.
    I hope they are making money.
    For fucks sake must we eat our own?
    Must we have a 100% purity test?
    Sick of this shit.

    Only* Trump is a non-grifting, non-globalist, non-establishment RINO.
    Everyone else is one or more of those.
    EVERYONE ELSE, right?
    Good thing the founders allowed for Emporer Rule…

  2. Poor Loco, whatever the subject is, you systematically bring back the subject on Trump, I am even surprised that you did not take the opportunity to put a good word on De Santis and how great he is.

    Shapiro and his friends are in this “conservative” niche, because there is money to take. These are what I call War Profiteers, like Crowder, but with more means.

    Now you’re free to go polish his apples, he is not my own.

  3. BTW, I brought up Trump due to an earlier conversation plus he is relevant in that it seems our* side has this fucking bullshit purity test.
    What is most amazing is that life-long Democrat Donald Trump is the only MF that passes the test…
    Crazy town!

  4. Wild Bill,
    “Lia Thomas is gonna want a calendar for the trannys.”

    Then let “Lia” make his own calendar. See how well it sells…..or not.
    Just like skinny arms what’s-his-name wanted to go up against Mike Lindell & MyPillow. hehehe. Failed miserably. (do I dare say “flopped”?)

  5. Ah “Antisemitism” the easy sledgehammer argument. I was waiting for this one, you draw faster than Doc Hollyday.
    I don’t have Brad’s patience, so you can go play in the yard, there is De Santis who will pass on his windsurf.

  6. For my own, I call a spade a ni–er but whatever. I thought you were just a De Santis Fanboy, but you’d be more of a barking dog after passing cars, especially if there’s a “Vote trump” sticker on the rear bumper.

  7. So, Brad, how do Conservative women let us Conservative men know that they’re still in touch with the sexuality?

    I mean, how do you know? Do they tell you that?

    Conservative woman: “Brad, honey, I’m SO sexy! You can call me Sexy!”

    Brad: “Well, that’s ENCOURAGING! I thought that you might be defunct!”



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