Reality Winner’s Mother Makes Political Point About Daughter’s Sentencing – Omits the Left in Her Rant – IOTW Report

Reality Winner’s Mother Makes Political Point About Daughter’s Sentencing – Omits the Left in Her Rant

Reality Winner got 5 years for leaking classified information to the press. That is a harsh sentence comparative to the politically connected who do similar crimes.

The mother, who penned an op-ed, has a point. But I’m left unmoved because in her rant she doesn’t mention nary a lefty.

Hillary, Comey, Obama, Holder, Rice, Lynch, none of their actions seem to have made it into her tome.

Yes, we are talking about “sentencing, ” I know. But now I’m even more pissed, because the Obama gang was not only not indicted, they weren’t investigated and they remain thought of as pure as the driven snow.

In fact, many people would eye roll what I just wrote and call me a tin foil hat wearing whacko bird.

The mother is outraged by double standards?

Join the club ma’am.

Story at NEWSER

4 Comments on Reality Winner’s Mother Makes Political Point About Daughter’s Sentencing – Omits the Left in Her Rant

  1. It’s easy to guess where her daughter’s attitude came from. She should be blaming herself but instead her venom is directed at those who are attempting to remove the corruption. With idiots like her it gives an indication of the mammoth problem those clearing the swamp have in front of them.


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