“As we celebrate the LGBTQ+ community, we acknowledge that recent actions have not alligned with NASCAR’s mission to be a welcoming sport for all,” the statement said.
What was the recent action?
Gov. Abbott kicked off a race by waving the green flag.
NASCAR apologized for that.
As soon as Bruce Jenner decided he was a woman, he killed a woman while driving.
That’s real commitment to trying to prove he’s a woman, perpetuating the stereotype of “women drivers.”
What are they proud of?
Cue Norm McDonald!
I always felt that “pride” was a strange overcompensation. And that seemed sad to me.
Jim France is a total moron. Always has been. He was dumber than dog shit when he use to follow his dad around as a little kid. Dude insane in the membrane. Every one predicted NASCAR would soon be in a world of hurt after he took over. Quite frankly I’m surprised he hasn’t already totally wrecked it.
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nascar: negros are surely creating american racism
What the hell does sodomy have to do with driving a car fast?
I think it is absolutely and perfectly fitting that any group who rejects God do so by flying the banner of “pride”. It is the thing that God hates the most. It is wholly inappropriate to be prideful of anything that God provides us, including every talent and gift. The only suitable expression for these things is gratitude. I’d like to see flags of gratitude flying during a Gratitude parade.
Fur, you’re right. “Pride” expressed by these groups is a chin-in-the-air show of false pride and arrogance. It boils down to a rejection of God and a wobbly act of rebellion (overcompensation). You also hear this whenever a woman/man refers to herself/himself as “a shtrong, black woman/man!” They are claiming to be a force unto themselves with no need for the aid of others, particularly God himself.
They already refer to the leading qualifier as “holding the pole” position. What more do they want?
Hey man, Rubbing is Racing.
With all the cars bumping each other from behind during the race, I’d think the rainbow crowd would be happy.
Especially when they’re drafting.
Let’s hope this doesn’t impact NHRA. I’d hate to see what the drag races would turn into.
NHRA is safe. Only NASCAR gets The Big One.
Since gays are so proud of being gay, just what type of crap are they ashamed of??
They are not ashamed of crap. They cherish it like candy.
Methodist drag queen preacher.
Let’s see how proud they are when they’re doing the backstroke in a lake of fire.
The anything goes crowd, except for when you disagree with them.
They do have standards, unfortunately it’s in perversion.
Pride goeth before a fall.
What are they going to celebrate next year if they kill them off with monkeypox telling them to party on for the next 30 days.
Interior Decorators Bruce and Larry go to a NASCAR race.
Bruce: Larry are you having fun?
Larry: Oh, yes Bruce. The car drivers are so handsome and manly. I love watching them. Especially their shapely butts.
Bruce: Larry,,,I know. WoW! Did you see that driver in the pink car ram the other one from behind? The front of his car went all the way up the other driver’s rear end.
Larry: Bruce, it’s just like what you do to me Tee Hee!
Bruce: Tee Hee. We should come up with a nice gay name for that.
Larry: Why not “Tail Piping”?
Bruce: PERFECT! I LOVE IT! And the exhaust is all part of the fun.
Larry: What’s the name of the driver in the pink car?
Bruce: The race program says his name is Rama Dorkman, from San Francisco.
Larry: Ohhhhh….how sweet is that? He’s my favorite car driver of all time. After you dear, I love him the most.
I would walk out of a church so fast if it had a pastor who proclaimed itself to be a drag queen probably screaming every obscenity known to man and never, ever go back there again. I wouldn’t care if I embarrassed myself to death because they would deserve it in spades. God can bestow grace on these totally misguided fools, in my own flesh I can’t because I despise what these freaks are doing to the gospel.
NASCAR has been dead to me for years, this will be the final blow to finish it off.
Who is surprised that NASCAR sucks and takes it up the butt?
Instead of trading paint they’ll be trading spit.
“Methodist drag queen preacher.
That’s not a pastor.
No more needs to be said.
The founders of the Methodist church, the Wesley brothers are rolling over in their graves and want to come back and kick this freak queer’s ass clear all the way down to hell where it belongs.
keep sucking negro/lgbtq dk & swallowing
Green flag means “Go”. Nascar Rainbow flag means “Go Queer”. Apparently, racing cars is not a priority for Nascar.