Really Odd Woman Wants Guy To Leave Parking Lot – IOTW Report

Really Odd Woman Wants Guy To Leave Parking Lot

She’s a little quirky and flinchy and wonky. Granted, it is a little strange that a guy would be sitting alone in his car in a random parking lot for an hour, but she is wildly over-reacting.

27 Comments on Really Odd Woman Wants Guy To Leave Parking Lot

  1. She’s an idiot, or has dementia – placing herself in danger by accusing a stranger she doesn’t know of being in a place she can’t prove that he doesn’t belong. It’s not her parking lot, and it’s not her job to patrol the parking lot or evict loiterers.

    Call the building management for God’s sake if you’re that worried about a stranger in the parking lot.

    She’s lucky he was being a nice guy.

  2. The Karen’s of this world have been emboldened to be hall monitors of their sad little worlds.

    If this country ever finds a way back to normalcy (pray for God’s mercy, for no one will be able to save us now, for all the vapid chest puffing and thumping of so-called patriots is nothing more than hot air), these Karen’s and Ken’s will need major interventions.

  3. Wild Bill at 11:12 pm Sitting in a parking lot for an hour, 50/50 chance he’s waiting for his dealer to show up.

    Or ….

    He was driving past the lot where the local Farmer’s Market sets up every Wednesday afternoon. It’s 3:15 PM and the vendors are setting up their tables and tents and laying out the produce. He parks his car. After helping an elderly vendor set up the sales table, he learns that the farmers’s market does not officially start selling until 4:00 PM and the vendors are not allowed to begin selling early. Rules are rules, don’t you know? He returns to his car to await the magic moment that selling can begin. At 4:01 he exits his car and walks the 75 yards to the farmers market, buys 2 pounds of tomatoes and 5 doughnuts, and returns to his car at 4:15 PM. The doughnuts smell good so before leaving the parking lot he slowly eats a fresh doughnut while sipping on a bottled water. At 4:20 PM he leaves the parking lot. No drug deal.

    Don’t you just love how they got us fighting each other? Divide and conquer.

  4. PI beginner advice: when confronted on a stake out flip the job and the gender. if you are watching a guy for insurance fraud, say you are watching a cheating wife. if you are watching a cheating wife say you are watching a guy for insurance fraud.

    the exception to this rule: if confronted by a married woman say you are watching a cheating husband. they will mke you lemonasde and bake cookies for you.

  5. Or, just killing time. This really is a non-story about someone who very desperately needs to mind her own business.
    A druggy won’t wait an hour, get real. I need MY fix, now, bitch!
    Bitch = dealer.

  6. It’s amazing when people “don’t feel comfortable” or “feel threatened” because of the presence of someone. Then they stick around for unlimited time to continue to state how uncomfortable they are, call the cops, record back, etc. It’s so stupid.

    When I don’t feel comfortable I quit the situation. Why is that so hard to do for some people?

    98% of the people have no problem with my dog. But that 2% sticks around to tell me how uncomfortable they are to be around a pit bull that’s off leash. I usually tell them I’m not here to make you feel comfortable, if you want comfort go home and pass out in your lazy boy. Then they start to get in my face, gibberish this, gibberish that. It’s pointless, just go away.

  7. Back in the early 90’s when bbn I lived in Queens, a friend and I would buy a bunch of White Castles and park in front of a random house in the neighborhood and just eat and talk for an hour or so.
    Can you imagine if the Karen’s existed as badly back then? I’d have probably been arrested multiple times!

  8. Lunch break from work.
    And he has no obligation to tell her that.

  9. He’s probably a county or state construction inspector who sits around all day twiddling his thumbs and shows up on site to inspect after the construction foreman calls to say all the work is ready to be inspected (all the shoddy work has been covered up).

  10. She is the reason I can never move to a condo or any living situation with a homeowners association. It’s not the fees, it’s the stupidity.

  11. I worked in sales for awhile sometimes you gave downtime between appointments. I can’t tell you how many hours I spent parked in lots doing paperwork, making phone calls and sometimes just listening to the radio.

    Of course, I’m white so the Karen’s back then never bothered me.

  12. That right there is a businessman. The business he is in is delivering and protecting his product line. He is waiting for the young lady to return to the Mercedes after her appointment is finished. Does Karen know where her husband is?

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