I want to add “they are sending us their drunks” to Trump’s list.
The fact that 150 Democrats voted against deporting illegals that are drunk drivers is all I need to know that these motherf*ckers should be laid out on the road before telling drunk Hector he is free to leave. Give him the keys to his uninsured piece-of-shit-mobile and point him in the direction of these a$$holes.
Whoever votes left is a a moron and a danger.

Thursday, Congressman August Pfluger (TX-11) released a statement after 150 Democrats voted against legislation to quickly deport illegal aliens who drive drunk.
Rep. August Pfluger: “I am appalled to see a majority of Democrats in the House of Representatives voting to prevent illegal aliens who endanger the lives of American citizens by drunk driving from being deported. Americans deserve leaders who put their safety and prosperity first.”H.R. 6976, the Protect Our Communities from DUIs Act, introduced by Rep. Barry Moore (R-AL), closes a gaping loophole in U.S. immigration law related to drunk driving. Because there is neither a ground of inadmissibility nor a ground of removability explicitly related to driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol or drugs, criminal aliens currently can escape accountability for their reckless actions and be free to re-offend and endanger communities. By creating a ground of inadmissibility and a ground of removability for aliens who have committed DUI offenses, this legislation provides long-awaited and much-needed reforms to safeguard American communities.
How about holding a vote to deport illegals for illegally setting foot in the country?
How are they allowed to drive in the first place? And why are we wasting resources to enact a subset of laws for illegal invaders that are already in violation of federal law before they illegally drive drunk?
Liberals/democrats are bound to Satan which makes them selfish, lying, stealing, self-centered Pieces-Of-Shit and unfit for society.
Natural born US citizens are now second class subjects with no rights and illegals are now the preferred class. Real citizens are subject to punishment if they are perceived to have broken laws whereas illegals can put a beat down on cops and are instantly released and they flip us off.
Can we survive as a nation until Jan 20, (Inauguration Day for you moron leftists?)
Of course there is a risk of the leftists stealing another election.
May I suggest a lovely length of hemp?
If you have a DUI you can’t get into Canada. At least that the way it was a couple years ago. I found out the hard way when a passenger I had in my pickup wasn’t allowed in.
About 8 years ago a couple at my gym was in Las Vegas with their Harley Club. She wanted to start riding her own bike so hubby picked her up a Sportster. They trailered down. Her first trip riding on her own bike. The were riding side by side and got mowed by a drunk illegal who blew right through the light. Busted him up pretty bad. But she was just wrecked. Paralyzed basically. Obvious brain injury. She walks and talks like she’s had a bad stroke. Well he made a pretty good recovery. And he started off basically carrying her into the gym. We came up with some velcro strips to keep her hands and feet attached to what ever machine she was using. She’s slowly gotten better. She can walk on her own now. Not very far or very well. I usually see them about once a month on the week ends and I make sure to let them know I see improvement no matter how slight it might be. She’s the toughest person in the gym.
So I’ve seen the effects these drunk bastards have on families. It’s far from pretty. If there’s any justice in this world those 155 members that voted no on this bill will have a family member mowed down by a shit faced illegal.
I should add, she’s no longer using the velcro. She’s moving the weights herself. She’s like the terminator. She just won’t give up.
Us mountain folk don’t take to kindly to dem city folks and my sister wife agrees.
How many MADD cunts will still vote democrat?
70%? 80%?
I wouldn’t doubt it…
Latest Trump campaign ad:
I just read that guy and four of his pals are on a bus headed for California. I hope they’re headed to NorCal. LE won’t stand for that bull shit in Nor Cal.
In my neighborhood, the campaign has already started;
I saw this, and a few more, on my walk this morning, I chuckled.
@joe6pak – my workplace was going to send a guy with a DUI to Canada for an installation job, he had to buy a ‘Queen’s Pardon’ (or something like that), cost a few hundred dollars. I think they call it something else now, but it’s still gonna cost you.
Referring democrats as the scum of the earth is a vicious ad hominem attack on scum.
I have a neighbor two doors down whose wife and nine-month-old son were killed one morning by a drunk-as-hell illegal alien. He bolted from the scene and was captured three days later by the Texas Rangers just before he made it to the Mexican border. Death to the Democratic Party!
i look forward to the hanging of these leftist scum and all their gurgling family members as we as the seizure of their assets
Coexistence is ONLY POSSIBLE with people who respect your right to exist…they don’t.
And that’s the problem. They’d just as soon see us dead. They just want someone else to do the killing because they’re all pussies. But in the long run, you’re exactly right. Enjoy today, tomorrows will continue to deteriorate into violence. And whom ever is better at it, will own the country.
Demonrats are anti-American, anti-Civilization, and anti-Life.
Each passing day and vote makes it more and more apparent.
Anyone who votes for, or supports, Demonrats is also anti-American, anti-Civilization, and anti-Life – and they don’t care who knows it.
The Demonrats want you dead – and you’d better wake to that simple fact.
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …