Reasons Why The Left Is Losing – And Deserves To Lose – IOTW Report

Reasons Why The Left Is Losing – And Deserves To Lose

Diogenes’ Middle Finger: America has changed since the fateful Inauguration of the 45th president. Unemployment has dropped to unprecedented & historic lows, the stock market is up by one third and for the first time on a long time, a majority of the public appear to have a positive view about their future. Meanwhile, in the past 6 months the democrats have seen their 15+ point lead in the generic ballot dwindle down to the margin of error, a measly +3.  The much vaunted Blue Wave appears be to look more like a Tidy Bowl Commercial than a revolution,  a giant sucking sound of their dreams of regaining Congress flushing down the toilet. Hopefully nothing but disappointment will greet Democrats in November rather than the sweet joy of Resistance revenge. Bless their hearts, the poor dears have survived by howling at the sky and counting the days until Mueller personally impeaches Trump, and still grappling with the existence of the Electoral College they don’t understand. The left has become a caricature of a nursery school full of crying children run by drunken samurai.

Here are three reasons off the top of my head why I believe the left are losing, and most deservingly to keep losing. MORE

14 Comments on Reasons Why The Left Is Losing – And Deserves To Lose

  1. I’m not surprised that the democrats are not going to take the house. Back in 1994, I recall the surprise of the news announcers when the House of Representatives went to the GOP. The thing that I saw was that all of the members of the New Deal generation were passing away at that time. The democrats had control of the country because of these people who voted for them no matter what the democrats and the kultursmog did to them.

  2. I have a Lib neighbor who wants nothing more than to see Marijuana Legalized, yesterday I texted him and said did you see Trump said he would vote for Legalization of Pot. His response was ” I don’t care what the Fuck that asshole does”. No realization that his 30 year dream was coming true because of Trump.

  3. The Liberal Elite’s have succeeded at Brainwashing their low I.Q followers, the mission- to take one word that would make them want to Vomit, the Magic word is ” TRUMP ” and it burns their ears deep inside.
    Brainwashing is easy and very Real.

  4. They’ve rendered a large part of their base inert zombies, and when their core message fails due to inevitable corruption in the gang of thieves, their base will wander away to the next shiny object

  5. “The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.”

    Don’t count them out until the last one is buried.
    Plague bacillus can lie inert for centuries.
    And Satan ain’t dead, yet – so don’t breathe a sigh of relief.

    After communism imploded in Europe the “Greens” were the inheritors of that perfidious ideology. Cockroaches (so they say) can survive a nuclear blast.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. On the ‘west coast of New England’ …. Burlington Vermont (Chittenden County) is sucking the life blood out of the 2nd. Amendment, going rogue transgender, taxing immigrants (flatlands) and locals down Progressive Armageddon Alley as Senators Sanders & Leahy fiddle ….

  7. @Plantsman,
    You have a decent libtard neighbor. Last Friday I asked my neighbor kindly to please not put his trash in front of my property. He said it’s a public street and didn’t see a problem. I pointed out that no neighbor anywhere puts their trash in front of their neighbors house and he shouldn’t either. He went ballastic, all the bad words flew (in front of his daughter). I turned around called it done because he was moving his cans when I hear, “I’m gunna kill you, your wife, and your stupid kids.”
    Anyhow, long story short I confronted him and he continued to insult me but refused to take any action. Funny, he calls me a skinny worthless prick when he’s a fatass do nothing that is a eyesore on the neighborhood.
    I called the city and reported all the violations in his yard the next day. City was there inspecting today.
    I deeply regret not videoing the incident. It was viral material.

  8. If they allow Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Bill Mahr, Robert DeNiro and others of their ilk to remain their voice. Plus allow Barky to direct their choice of candidates. The right has a chance . However, the GOP has a long historic record of blowing a sure thing.

  9. @ecp June 11, 2018 at 10:08 pm

    Threatening to kill someone, I think, is a felony.

    Maybe you should do something more, like talk to the police about it, or better, buy a firearm or two while you still can.

  10. Tim Buktu, I was armed the entire incident.
    Not that it mattered. He’s an unhinged libtard. Wished it was videoed A) for entertainment B) for proof. Me injecting cops is an I said he said moment that doesn’t do anything. If my life was for certain under threat, sure. There are men and there are feckless neighbors who think they are men. Yea, I though about it long and hard calling the cops, but the city should keep him busy with at least 3 violations… I have my own children to deal with.

  11. @ecp: Glad you were armed and I recommend that you make sure you are whenever you might encounter this dangerous neighbor. After the city inspections, he might just flip out.

    You showed great restraint. I would have also, but threatening me, my wife, and my children is very risky and very stupid.


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