Rebellion is Bursting out All Over – IOTW Report

Rebellion is Bursting out All Over

American Thinker: 

As Spygate proceeds to its certain conclusion — the trials of those who engaged in this scandalous coup attempt — we receive the details of the scheme only in dribs and drabs. Too many were involved and have too much to lose at this point by not revealing to the investigators their role in exchange for more lenient treatment, which is why I believe all will soon be revealed.

So for the moment let’s turn to the broader picture that explains in large part why so many officials were so determined to keep Donald Trump from the White House and to oust him once he won the election.

To me, it has seemed they are clinging to the privileges and benefits of an order which is dying because its underpinnings — the post-World War II order — no longer suit the citizens of the countries involved, or the changing world.

In this respect, I was much taken by this article in the Claremont Review by Christopher Caldwell.

The subject of this essay is Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán, who famously closed his country’s borders to hordes of migrants from Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, and elsewhere. I urge you to read the entire article, which I can only selectively discuss. As Caldwell explains, Hungary has been a member of the European Union since 2004 and his political party was closely aligned with Angela Merkel’s. Remembering Hungary’s history and intellectual curiosity, Orban rejected the policies of the E.U. on migration.

Orbán believes that Western countries are in decline, and that they are in decline because of “liberalism,” which in his political vocabulary is a slur. He uses the word to describe the contemporary process of creating neutral social structures and a level playing field, usually in the name of rights.

This project of creating neutral institutions has two problems. First, it is destructive, because the bonds of affection out of which communities are built are — by definition — non-neutral. Second, it is a lie, because someone must administer this project, and administration, though advertised as neutral, rarely is. Some must administer over others.

Carried to its logical conclusion, liberalism will, in Orbán’s view, destroy Hungary. “It is not written in the great book of humanity that there must be Hungarians in the world,” he said in his State of the Nation address in February. “It is only written in our hearts — but the world cares nothing for that.” This sense that Hungary might be only one political miscalculation away from extinction is widely shared. There was one country, in the wake of World War I, which was treated more harshly than Germany. The Treaty of Trianon turned a cosmopolitan, advanced central European powerhouse of 20 million people — the Kingdom of Hungary, Budapest’s half of the Austro-Hungarian empire — into a statelet of 8 million and divvied up two thirds of its territory among other nations.

He recognized that the nation’s existence depends on its economic performance, and boosted Hungary’s by a series of measures that Caldwell describes, including cutting the tax rate and instituting work-to-welfare.  more here

12 Comments on Rebellion is Bursting out All Over

  1. If you’re troubled by the lack of response from those we’ve voted for now just wait until the globalists take full control. The Obama 8 years was just a peak behind the curtain of what’s to come if Trump can’t get control of this in the limited time he has.
    Things seem to be trending positively but the scoundrels aren’t done yet.

  2. Globalists require there very soon be nothing close to a middle class because it represents physical mobility, personal determinism and a spirit of independence and self-sufficiency. That’s exactly what stands in their way to absolute power. That is why they can’t leave you alone…in your current state, you’re a mortal enemy.

  3. This group wants a large mental masturbation circle jerk with them leading the singing of kum-bye-nah and no borders and their hands in everyone else’s pockets. Nothing will be beyond the boundaries of civil behavior and only the lemmings in the middle of the group survive.

    All will be diversion and deception with the coming of the decepticons otherwise known as the evil minions who are/were fallen angels in rebellion from God. Wake up and smell the sulfur around you.

  4. “He recognized that the nation’s existence depends on its economic performance, and boosted Hungary’s by a series of measures that Caldwell describes, including cutting the tax rate and instituting work-to-welfare.”
    Well, the US is halfway there.
    The work to welfare part.

  5. I’ve been to Hungary three times and the country has become a model of how capitalism can transform. The first time (2001) people were driving old Soviet cars and there were no modern stores. Budapest’s pollution made your eyes sting. Five years later (2006) people were driving new cars and there were large retail stores similar to Costco. The third time (2007) there was no noticeable pollution in Budapest.


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