Receipts Are Coming – Obama Ordered CIA to Spy on Trump – IOTW Report

Receipts Are Coming – Obama Ordered CIA to Spy on Trump

Benny Johnson’s show is live right now on X.

I tuned in while Benny was playing a clip of Trump telling Leslie Stahl on the infamous 60 Minutes episode that “they spied on me” and having her get the vapors, telling Trump he was spreading false information.

In a follow-up Trump presser, Trump talks about having the “texts,” the proof, the “documents.”

Before the siege of Mar-a-Lago, Kash Patel predicted Trump would be raided.

This was a targeted raid. They were looking for something SPECIFIC. The binder Trump referred to has the receipts– that Obama ordered the spying on Trump– that is what they want. Desperately.

22 Comments on Receipts Are Coming – Obama Ordered CIA to Spy on Trump

  1. I heard some scuttlebutt last week about another DOJ raid on Mar-a-Lago which is being planned…

    “…that is what they want. Desperately.”

    …so I am assuming they did not get “that” in the first raid, and they are about to make another deep state dive to look again?

  2. I wonder if Michael Flynn is the one who got that info to PDT, and that’s why they went so hard after Flynn. He must have really rattled the preening peacock Obama’s cage. And nobody does that to ValJar’s boy without serious repercussions..

  3. It could be Admiral Rogers, but they never went after him like they did Flynn. Rogers was a nuisance when he clued PDT in on the spying, but Flynn was an existential threat to them.

    I wonder where Joseph Mifsud is now.

  4. Trump should have been watching his back at all times. He thought he had a trustworthy staff.
    Maybe he thought the White House was above reproach.

    But never underestimate the ‘Chicago way.’
    Crooked and corrupt as the day is long.
    The Kenyan smiled in his face with the knowledge that he was siccing the dogs on him.

  5. I don’t know what you’re getting at, Anon.
    Trump loves this country. Always has.

    You’re a brainwashed fool.
    If anyone is a “traitor,” it’s your boy Obama.
    Go change your diaper. You stink.


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