Recharge Station Turns into Tesla Graveyard in the Cold – IOTW Report

Recharge Station Turns into Tesla Graveyard in the Cold


The problem appears to be the Teslas are not charging, even when they are connected to a working charger [in Chicago during sub-zero temperatures].

Fox claims an automobile expert advised drivers to hit the “battery precondition” button on the vehicle before attempting to charge in extreme cold, but surely even if the driver forgets, the battery manager would sense the cold, and optimise the battery temperature without human intervention when plugged in? More

28 Comments on Recharge Station Turns into Tesla Graveyard in the Cold

  1. Battery charging can be complicated.There many ASIC’s {application specific integrated circuits} that monitor/handle/control the charging process.Battery temperature is monitored and is an important part of the charging process.At sub zero I would imagine even under ideal charging conditions you would only get 60% drive range….

  2. This should drive a stake through the already severely wounded EV market. That vampire has been sucking the blood out of the American taxpayer long enough.

    These things are toys for those with disposable income and nothing more. Hell, my daughter recognized that when she said it takes an hour to charge her Power Wheels and only five minutes to put 26 gallons of gas in our F150. I ask her if she wanted to drive it home from central Washington when she was about seven years old and she said NO WAY! Then told me why.

  3. The ‘battery precondition’ is a battery heater so the battery can actually charge in the cold, while sucking even more energy. Optimally, you should have a heated garage and a 240VAC charger. As many have pointed out, wait until a few hundred thousand people use EVs to try to evacuate in the event of an emergency, it will be absolute chaos.

  4. In an unusual case of SCHADENFREUD
    IOTWZONE Presents A Delicious Sync
    msNBC Board Leader describes Harrowing EV Experience
    Just this very AM
    With the mourning crew
    Check The Record

  5. Hopping around a few EV car channels talking about what happened in Chicago, and there seems to be a consensus. 1) it’s not the EV, it’s the charging infrastructure (what good is any EV if you can’t charge it?), and 2) People just aren’t educated.

    You need to be educated (rather, indoctrinated) to understand how to own an EV. That requires many hours of learning how to maintain your EV (even though EV people claim there is no maintenance required on EVs, because you know tires, brakes, suspension, chassis components never wear out and the stupid door handles always “present” themselves flawlessly). Then you also have to spend many weeks or months acquiring muscle memory to navigate the iPad in these things just to turn on the heat.

    All this hassle to not change oil or transmission fluid (add in maybe transfer case and differential). I’ll put my 2004 Honda Accord with 260k miles up against any of these “zero maintenance” EVs. Oh, but then they respond, “As you cry when I leave you in the dust at a stop light.” Then I respond, “As you cry when I pass your stupid charging station with a full tank of gas. Enjoy your remote kill switches with big brother and big auto watching your every move. I hope you get a blue screen of death and brick your car.”


    How do they recharge in Space?

    Isn’t it like, (get it? Like Like) like, really really Cold in Space?

    BIG GOV SOLUTION: You must now BUY BUY BUY a seperate Electric Powered Heater to heat your battery before you charge. And You Will Be Charged.

    Sing IT

    They will charge you if you Buy It
    They will charge you if you don’t
    They will charge you just to Try It
    They will charge you if you won’t
    They will charge you coming
    They will charge you going
    Any way They can charge you
    A charge you they will do


  7. I was wired from the very beginning to avoid liberal policies that are nothing more than phantom dreams of unrealistic unicorn wishes and fantasies of voluptuous mermaids.

    Often, it’s a giant leap from wishful thinking to reality.

  8. Mean while, we were headed up the hill to Placerville in my Duramax on Sunday. Traffic slowed to 45 mph. Next lane over had an opening so I stomped the throttle and the damn thing pitched side ways on me. At 45 mph. Torque for two. Still have pinch marks in the passenger seat. Man I love diesels.

  9. @Wild Bill:

    …wait until a few hundred thousand people use EVs to try to evacuate in the event of an emergency, it will be absolute chaos.

    And all those battery-dead EVs with their brain-dead EV owners blocking MY road as I’m trying to drive (with gasoline) me and my loved ones out of the way of the next CATEGORY 4 or 5 HURRICANE just might piss me off. A little. I mean, I know how to get rid of PEOPLE who are between me and safety but I don’t know how to disappear a Tesla.

  10. @Anony AT 10:21 PM — just a smidgeon of an edit tweak:
    Great technology for some applications, but it’s being rushed pushed into the wrong ones. For fascist purposes. And ain’t that the truth!

  11. @ Wild Bill and Unky Al,

    According to an anonymous source, the unemployed (because Let’s go Brandon) coal miners of West Virginia have formed the West Virginia Navy. Their mission is to push dead EVs off the road during an evacuation. They call themselves navy because a person could drown in the tears of EV owners.

  12. Any new product is “torture tested” before going on the market including at temperature extremes. I believe cars are tested at -40F (-40C). Tesla must have known about this problem.

  13. I have a super leftist friend in Minnesota who bought a hybrid. She had it just one winter and got rid of it. I didn’t ask why, but just smiled. This was way back when hybrids first came out. I know she will never touch an EV as long as she lives, but will never leave her leftist ways.

    I pray for her!


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