Recovering Corona Virus Victim Says It’s Nothing To Panic About – IOTW Report

Recovering Corona Virus Victim Says It’s Nothing To Panic About

common cents blog

21 Comments on Recovering Corona Virus Victim Says It’s Nothing To Panic About

  1. You wouldn’t know that by what I saw at the grocery store this morning. Shelves with lots of bare spaces. Saw one lady who must have had at least 50 tubes of ground beef in her cart. Chicken, hot dogs, bacon and breakfast sausage all gone. Very little lunch meat. Surprised to see how many people were hoarding perishable items. Pretty silly if you were to lose power. Lots of bread and milk though which was good because I went there for a loaf of bread. People are going nuts.😵

  2. It’s what I expected ti to be, another moderate case of the flu type of thing.

    The ones dying from it are the ones on the verge of needing life support to stay alive, the ones ready to be taken out by something in the first place and the corona virus is just what got them before something else did.

  3. Different Tim,

    Gun stores too, at least ones near me.

    One sold out of their entire shipment of lower priced 9 mm, at least 20,000 rounds in that caliber, in 3 hours after it arrived. The higher priced stuff (hollow points and such) is simply unavailable. Draw what conclusions you may from it.

  4. We bought wiffle balls yesterday. That’s our version of panic shopping! (and we live four miles away from “ground zero” NY).

    I was asked to work from home last week AND next week and that is an office of twenty plus people located across the county.

    Local schools were out last Friday and next Monday and Tuesday…so far.

  5. I thought about going home and getting a couple rolls of toilet paper then throwing it into the scrum and watching them fight over it like it is a Tickle me Elmo doll

  6. From a post on the local WA FB page: Woodinville Costco now is limiting the amount of people they are letting in…the police are there to maintain calm. Food court table and chairs are gone.

    Liberals hoarding TP. Think of all the trees that are going to be chopped down to keep up with the demand!

    I agree @AA

  7. Yesterday I heard the guy who was guest hosting Mark Levin’s show – talking about the Seattle doctors who had developed a quick effective coronavirus screening test, but they were told they had to stop doing the test because they did not have government approval from, state or federal, CDC vs FDA, to do the test. And how Trump was taking action to end the bureaucrat road blocks to creating or allowing new effective virus response testing.

    Also there is a theory that negative emotions; being fearful, anxious, afraid, angry, etc. Makes one more susceptible to becoming infected. Keep on the Sunny Side of Life, don’t worry, be happy.

  8. I’m an election judge here in the ‘great’ state of Illinois. So far, I’ve done 2 early election sites and one nursing home. We found out today that over 100 judges refuse to work Tuesday for the general primary. I’m 66 and am not afraid. The county is letting voters to bring their own pens to mark the ballots. We have anti-bacterial wipes for the booths. We are forgoing the need for the cardboard sleeve for the ballot unless requested. We had over 260 voters (in 5 hours) at this site today to vote early. The majority were happy and the best were the first time voters. While I do not take lightly of anyone who contracts this virus, I think the media is magnifying it to get Trump. That is shameful and irresponsible.

  9. Could imagine if something actually
    scary and dangerous really happened ???
    Maybe unpleasant but you could survive
    the rest of your life without TP. The
    Kroger store had plenty of fancy water
    and lots of dinner napkins that could be used
    instead of TP.Need to buy stock in Kimberly-Clark…

  10. Long term effects of /surviving/ including…

    Lung Damange, Kidney Damage, Liver Damage, Heart Damage, Testicular Damage, Infertility, Viral Encephalitis

    So excuse me if yes I am indeed concerned.

  11. Having lived in Seasonal Emergency Areas for many years (Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Ice, Fires and etc…). We have always kept 15 gallons of stabilized real-gas, 2 Months of canned Veggies and precooked canned Meat food, a propane camping stove with 12 bottles. 2x 24 ct bottle water and needed personal items and our Camping gear. We rotate the gas every 6 months and the other supplies once a year at a cost between $150 and $200.

    We then place the previous years supplies in the cabinet shelves for use and purchase new possible Emergency supplies.

    In Jan. 2020 seeing China strangely was having yet another Virus again in our Election Year. We added a few additional items 2 extra 100 ct boxes of hospital face masks $24.95 ea., 4 extra 1 pint bottles of Hand Sanitizer $2.95 ea, 1 extra gallon generic unscented Chlorine Bleach $1.09, and a few boxes of 3M N-95 masks $44.95ea. It added about $300 more to our yearly purchase.

    All we do now is buy a tankful of Real gas, 1 dz eggs and 1 gallon on milk each week.

    So where did I learn and start this process?
    My parent started it in early 1960’s, Cuba Missile crisis and my time in California 70-80’s and again in 90’s by having the recommended Earthquake supply bug-out bag at all times.

    Remember, there is never a need to Panic, if you simply are prepared.


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