Red State: The Number Of Democrats Showing Up At Trump Rallies Is Stunning – IOTW Report

Red State: The Number Of Democrats Showing Up At Trump Rallies Is Stunning

Red State-

On Sunday night, Trump’s campaign manager, Brad Parscale, released some very surprising data guaranteed to send a shiver up Democrats’ spines.

Of the 16,432 voters who provided data, 27% were Democrats. The significance of this is monumental. I wonder what the percentage of Republicans attending Democratic rallies is. I imagine it would be low to nil.

This tells us that a certain percentage of Democrats are looking at the weak field of candidates and are searching for an alternative. I would guess many of them are turned off by the injustice of the current impeachment inquiry as well as the party’s sharp left turn. It might surprise Democrats to hear that not every Democrat supports impeachment or the vision of a socialist America.

The next data point showed that 24% had voted once or less in the last four elections. Half of them have not voted at all. Can you imagine if this group were to actually go to the polls next year and cast their ballot for Trump?


20 Comments on Red State: The Number Of Democrats Showing Up At Trump Rallies Is Stunning

  1. My guess is that A LOT of D’s are starting to figure out what the real meaning of the word “socialism” is. Oh yeah, it all sounds great when your friends and the media virtue signals all your pet Utopian daydreams, but it’s quite another when the D’s start talking about grabbing some more of *your* take home pay, *your* 401K, *your* healthcare dollars, and so on.

  2. @Jimmy

    That is a good best case scenario and I hope it happens too. But remember, CW 1.0 started after Lincoln was elected. It was started by the Democrats. Violently.

    Subotai Bahadur

  3. Most were probably in a mild state of shock being amidst warm and friendly people. They discovered that they were not evil hateful monsters.
    That word will get passed!

  4. Something good is happening. NONE of the leftists I have to tolerate are in my face anymore. They’re mellowing out, bragging about having doubts a few years ago. Love hearing bout their kids turning out Conservative.

  5. Had a friend tell me today about a man in our county. Everyone knows him because he owns almost all the apartments in the county, as well many of the business buildings, richest man in the county and has always been deeply involved with the demoncrat party. So much so that he has pictures in his office taken with Carter, Clinton, Killary and Obama along with other well known state democrats. He also has awards he’s been given by the party for work he’s done and money he’s raised. He’s probably in his 80’s now or getting real close to it.
    I guess he was talking today about what the demoncrats were doing and how stupid they are and he’s already informed them all not a cent until they stop this insane crap and beg for forgiveness. He I guess isn’t too thrilled with this pronoun shit and me too shit either. Said he also wasn’t about to vote for any of these clowns they have running for President and that his party has went off the deep end.

    His lack of vote isn’t going to mean crap in this state, because we don’t vote for demoncrat Presidential candidates, his money though is another story. When you lose a guy that even Obama wasn’t too far left or too corrupt to vote for, you’re running out of people to vote for you.

  6. I have been observing this trend closely, actions speak louder than words once individual lives are touched and the plantation blinders fall away.

    Blacks and Hispanics have been virtually ignored by Republicans as an unapproachable and unwinable monolithic voting bloc. Since Trumpus Magnificus only sees Americans and not color his policies alone are turning 26% of the minority vote.

    That has been the average Demonrat attendance at his rallies.
    He is pulling 36% of the black male vote. Incredible. It’s because of urban enterprises zones, changing sentencing guidelines, economic prosperity reaching minorities through cuts in regulation and absolutely historic lows in minority unemployment.

    All polls are just bullshit, they routinely over sample Demonrats by 10-12% and people of color will claim support for the Demonrat candidates but in the privacy of the voting booth they are gonna vote for El Presidente in numbers never seen.

    The Lizard Queen can pack all the hot sauce she wants and affect black dialects across the country and she will still be roadkill by the tracks of the Trump Train.

    This does not even factor in any blowback on Demonrats from the exposure of their criminal corruption that us about to occur. Talk about October surprises…


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