“Red Wave” May Swamp Incumbent Democrats – IOTW Report

“Red Wave” May Swamp Incumbent Democrats

‘Be careful what you wish for’ is the old saw and for entrenched democrats in safely blue districts, the warning could be all so true thanks to our President Donald Trump. It seems the left has been driven so mad by the current state of the nation’s politics that liberal voters are seriously considering far, far left challengers to the “corporate” democrats they are expected to return to office. More

h/t Weasel Zippers

14 Comments on “Red Wave” May Swamp Incumbent Democrats

  1. Just heard on Rush that Millennial support for Democrats has dropped like 8-9 points in the past few months. Mostly white Millenials. Ha, I guess if you watch the fake news networks and they are littered with people telling whitey to drop dead and get lost, its a great way to slowly start whittling away at your base.

  2. Nobody could have driven liberals totally insane like POTUS. It’s an amazing thing to witness. They keep showing us all who they really are. DJT will win in a landslide next time.

  3. Major props to Kanye for his tweets the past week. Of course many of the more recent ones reflect a more leftist viewpoint, but the main thing is that he has opened the minds of millions of his followers to free thought.
    His tweets are more a symptom though, similar to what led to Trump’s election and reflective of the recognition of who is really pushing ‘fake news.’ More and more Americans are simply thinking for themselves, and when they actually look for facts then the red wave grows.

  4. Uncle Kink ailed it. Dems are so accustomed to squishy, mumbling ,apologetic, and meek republicans. Trump is big as life, loud brash and cock sure of himself and makes no excuses. They can’t understand why all they try bounces off him.
    Trump understands these worms and he knows just how to get under their skin like nobody ever has.

  5. “Umm.. Not a RED wave really.”

    Actually yes , a red wave, as in commie wave. And the Dems don’t have superdelegates to block the commies and tilt the table for their establishment incumbents. Could be some Red October surprises.

  6. @cato April 30, 2018 at 4:17 pm

    > Many Rinos are retiring and cashing in their generous benefits courtesy of the taxpayers.
    > New conservative republicans will be filling those seats.
    > Win – Win

    Maybe a “win” (singular, lower case). And, even that’s, just for The Party members in Good™ standing. The proles just keep… well, who cares? They’re just proles.

  7. Their colors are crayolas
    They got Dick Painters’ blue brush.
    Drawing on rorschach Maxine Pads
    Dreams of a blue crush

    Oh, the tales they be a-weavin
    The Media they be a-deceivin
    In the spirit of reciprocity
    An Orange Crush philosophey…

    MAGA Red is the way, You See.


    A Hidden Crush…And His Name…
    Jul 2, 2017 – 2 min

  8. Won’t happen if Conservatives sit on their hands because they don’t like who the Republican Party offers them in their districts. Happened in Virginia.

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