Redact This! – IOTW Report

Redact This!

The release of the ridiculously heavily redacted affidavit prompted Donald Junior to tweet a bit-

Yahoo said this –

Mostly he mocked all the redactions in the affidavit, which the Justice Department had explained were necessary to protect witnesses, the names of FBI agents and other details of the investigation of his father.

Donald Jr. also posted this on Instagram, with the message, “Redact This!”

It’s a good son that makes the censor block so… generous.

14 Comments on Redact This!

  1. “Democracy Dies In Darkness”, says The Washington Post.

    Odd, then, that they never seem bothered by all the shade that Democrats throw over every illegal thing they do, whether its obstructing sightlines when “vote counters” steal elections, or ALL the heavily redacted crap they throw out like this “because, security”, which apparently includes violating the right of the very President of the United States to be confronted with the witnesses against them.

    Democracy Dies In Darkness.

    Says an organ of a fraudulent administration that obscures everything their masters tell them to…

  2. …I mean, it’s sort of like talking about Comey’s 503s, right? It was the fact of Comey’s activities that gave rise to his 503s (do I have that number right?), were the problem.

  3. ChickenCheeks
    “What we need is a revolution.”
    That’s what they are hoping for, before November. So they can shut down elections forever.
    And we will be stuck with Emperor Biden and Chancellor Giggles McBlowjob.

  4. It’s so egregious and worthy of indictment that we’re not allowed to know exactly what the warrant was predicated upon.

    Just like Russian Collusion, The Ukraine Phone Call, January 6th, and others now-forgotten, this is just the next Act in a Theater Play to facilitate the following:

    The constant dripping of media “leaks,” continuing of the narrative that Trump and all who support him – now openly called Fascists by the administration – are an “existential threat” to the nation.

    Political Campaign at the hands of Law Enforcement Agency. They are “protecting democracy.”

    We’ve seen this before, haven’t we?

  5. BS they might as well kept it in the dark, this is zero information aimed at narrow little minds that will fill in the blanks and be happy. These rats need to go…

  6. The almost completely redacted government documents only protect the government agencies who have acted in ways that are unconstitutional. Solid proof we are living under communist rule in The United States.
    Under the strong arm of communism, full disclosure is not for the proletariat, just the ruling class/cadre. The lapdog media of course are useful idiots and will do whatever they’re told, including help frame a duly elected U.S. President who has committed no crimes.

  7. @Cmn¢¢guy August 27, 2022 at 9:56 am

    > “What we need is a revolution.”
    > That’s what they are hoping for, before November. So they can shut down elections forever.

    Because, come the revolution, the courageous will lay down their arms, and surrender? For another chance to vote?

    Nobody’s dumb enough to believe that. Something other than dumb…? Certainly something other than courageous…? Wonder what that adjective could be?

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