Redistricting Forces Jerry Nadler into the Run of His Political Life – IOTW Report

Redistricting Forces Jerry Nadler into the Run of His Political Life

Neon nettle

New York’s new congressional districts are pitting longtime party “titans” against each other in battles for survival.

The new congressional district lines, released by a special master on Monday, could spell doom for Nadler as he’s forced to go head-to-head against another veteran congressional Democrat.

Nadler — the powerful chairman of the House Judiciary Committee who was first elected to Congress in 1992 — has now found himself moved out of the safety of his old seat. More

25 Comments on Redistricting Forces Jerry Nadler into the Run of His Political Life

  1. Nadler and run don’t seem to go together. Rolling would seem to fit better. Don’t you have some long steep hills in California that terminate in the Pacific? Bet Jerry could get up a head of steam rolling down one of them, especially if Trump was at the bottom holding a MAGA sign.

  2. Hitler, Stalin?
    Gee, if I was a voter in that new district, whom would I vote for? I dunno, they both seem nice and aligned with my East-Coast/Wast coast values! That is to say to destroy this racist, homophobic, transphobic, capitalistic country!
    /Sarc off

  3. Trust me. There will be no ticker tape parade if the detestable Carolyn Maloney beats fatass Nadler. There is no idealogical difference between the two.

    Leave me out of NY politics. As you will recall, NY were the loyalists during the revolutionary war. Willing subjects of England.

    They lash themselves to big government. Always have. Always will.

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