Reds 1st Baseman Gives Running Commentary In The Middle of the 4th Inning – IOTW Report

Reds 1st Baseman Gives Running Commentary In The Middle of the 4th Inning

In what appears to be a stunt to make baseball more engaging for fans, Cincinnati Red’s first baseman, Joey Votto was mic’d up for opening day against the Atlanta Braves. At one point Votto chatted with the booth mid-game with a runner on first to share with fans what it’s like playing in the big leagues in real time. Watch

Given the reaction on social media, we may be seeing a lot more of these kinds of in game up close and personal moments.

34 Comments on Reds 1st Baseman Gives Running Commentary In The Middle of the 4th Inning

  1. Of course you don’t sns, because you’re an asshole. What’s surprising is that you didn’t write 5 paragraphs and tell everbody about your work life. Kiss my ass, asshole. Sorry people, I’m free now.

  2. Used to go see the Tigers as a kid every year with the safety patrol. Time of my life. Had autographs from Kaline, Denny Mclane, Cash, Freehan and lots more. Right down by the dugout they’d sign all kinds of stuff during pre-game warm up. A kids dream.
    Try that now. Different game.

  3. Rick
    APRIL 12, 2022 AT 6:11 PM each his own, Rick. I’m sure if it bothers BFH, he’ll tell me and I will honor his request to stop. Until then, nice to know that you care enough to tell me how much you hate me, although why you would even bother to read me enough to know what its about, I have no idea.

    You can respond or not as you see fit, I will not do so anymore. I find these personal feuds/violations of the site TOS to be tiresome personally, so I will not indulge this any further.

    You do you, tho. Enjoy.

  4. Wow Rick,that was a pretty long leap from a relatively benign comment by SNS to calling him an asshole. You obviously have pent up anger toward him. There is a wide variety of people, personalities and even opinions on this site, but if we all start calling each other assholes over what they write then it just lowers the quality and value of this site. You can do better.

  5. Apology not accepted, Rick. Your comment was completely unjustified and uncalled for. Basically, you ruined this comment thread. And it isn’t the first time you’ve done it. You’re a website destructor.

  6. I love baseball but 2020 killed it for me when the players went on strike due to a cop shooting a thug. They didnt show support to the business people who saw their stores burned to the ground; but only to the thugs. I cancelled my MLB sub and that was that

  7. Kill this new social media bullshit with fire!….Kenesaw Mountain Landis would have taken them to the dugout and beat them with his cane prior to urinating on them….

  8. Oh, Rick, you’re not free at all.

    You know you don’t have to read SNS posts if you don’t want to and you certainly don’t have to make personal attacks.

    Please don’t ruin this site.

  9. And that little “spat” is why almost always post “anonymously”. Love this site, don’t come for personal anguish or acrimony.

    “Small minds talk about people.
    Average minds talk about events.
    Great minds talk about ideas.”

    Never confuse a defeat with a Final Defeat. Everyone is redeemable.

  10. Rick, not trying to stir up trouble, but here we have all had the freedom to say what we want. Hell, I know I’ve stepped in it a couple times. And they let me come back. And another thing I like about iOTW is that a post about an infielder for the sorry Cincinnati Reds can go so sideways and the original topic is completely ignored. Who would think a Cincinnati Reds story would even generate a comment? No offense to Reds fans, just an example.

  11. Sigh. I have had issues with SNS in the past, but, I do like his posts in general. We have some things in common, But, dang Rick. Ripping on a regular without actually giving a reason?
    Having said that, I do want to see your response. There are times when I think SNS might be as you mention. I do agree with him and his posts dealing with the Bible and religion, but that is me. There are times when I disagree with him, but that is life. I do not expect or want, people to be clones of me. And no, I am not jumping on the wagon to say you shouldn’t voice your opinion. I truly want to hear you reasons. I want to be convinced because I am not perfect

  12. I guess I am now officially off-topic, but I liked Votto being mic’d up. I sat in the outfield at an Angel’s game and watched Mike Trout interact with some of the younger fans. I sat in the outfield at a White Sox game and watched Eloy Jimenez do the same thing. I understand that professional athletes need to concentrate, but in baseball there is quite a bit of down time and some of the players realize that it really is all about the fans.

  13. I have had an awful night to top off a truly terrible 7.5 months (my husband died and life sucks) so I come here to think about something (anything) else. Now, I have been told “F you” by someone I didn’t say anything bad to.

    This has happened before here when I have made a benign statement. I’m tired and I’m done. Such nasty stuff

  14. I sorry Corky. I try to be here and helpful as often as I can.

    On the other hand, you never know what the other person is going through. I try not to let bad words get me down.

    Please stick around if only to spite your detractors.

    And BFH…….not in public, man.

  15. My condolences, Corky.

    When things got really low for me, I ran across a quote that helped me out some.

    “When you find yourself going through Hell, keep going.”

    Best to you. 👍

  16. Corky
    APRIL 12, 2022 AT 9:40 PM

    Corky, I am truly sorry you got hit with venom intended for me. I get swore at in multiple languages so this guy doesn’t really impress me, but you’ve been through so much and really done nothing to deserve it. I was just going to let this die since the Streisand Effect somehow made it about me, but I can’t exit now without a prayer for you. I do not expect you to see it, but the Lord will, and may He bring you the peace and solace you need.

    Dear heavenly Father, we come before You today to ask Your mercy upon this sensitve and wounded soul. Lord, she has suffered terrible loss and is having difficulty still that is known only to You and her, and she needs Your healing touch upon her soul tonight. Please Lord, heal this heart, touch this gentle soul with Your grace, grant her the solace she needs in the depths of the night with Your Blessed Assurance that all is well with her dear departed and there will be a glad reunion in the light of Your eternal love by and by.

    Please grant her the light of Your love from the depths of Your mercy, hold her in Your comforting arms, and give her the rest and pleasant dreams she so desperately needs.
    We ask this all in the merciful name of Jesus,

    “The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”
    Psalm 34:18

    God Bless,

  17. Stay strong Corky, you’re better than those that don’t even know you that try to belittle you. Even those of us that might say something inappropriate likely look back and would apologize in person if they could.

  18. I grew up with the Dodgers. Then, along came free agency, and the teams started changing every year. As a free market guy, I’m OK with it, but it did change the dynamic of the game. When the MLBPA struck the World Series in ’93 or ’94, that was it. I watched about the last 2 innings when the Cubs won the Series a few years ago. I’ve been to 5 games where I got free tickets, and that’s it.

  19. Don’t know (or care) who put a burr under Rick’s saddle blanket, but I enjoy reading SNS’s stories and life examples. A Renaissance man, widely experienced. Keep on keepin’on, SNS.


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