Redskins Renamed The Comanches.. err… “The Commanders” – IOTW Report

Redskins Renamed The Comanches.. err… “The Commanders”

Associated Press

Washington’s NFL team is now known as the Commanders.

The new name unveiled Wednesday comes 18 months after the once-storied franchise dropped its old moniker following decades of criticism that it was offensive to Native Americans and under fresh pressure from sponsors. The organization committed to avoiding Native American imagery in its rebrand after being called the Washington Football Team the past two seasons. More

What’s the over/under on how long before the other NFC East fans start referring to them as the “Commodeturds?”

54 Comments on Redskins Renamed The Comanches.. err… “The Commanders”

  1. LOL They named the team after a title a person who would have as a ship’s capt or commander whobrought slaves to the USA!!

    LMAO over and over and over again

    Kaperdick was right the NFL aint nothing but billionaire slave owners and millionaire slaves Huh? LMAO

  2. Makes sense in 2022. After removing the name meant to honor the former coach, replace it with a term meant to honor the fighting spirit of the colonial Ship masters who “oppressed” peoples around the world.

    I wonder how much they paid the genious marketing research firm for this one.

    Go DC Commies!

  3. I believe that they should have kept the Redskins name and changed the logo to a redskin peanut. Should that be too offensive for some they could have chosen the name “Swamprats” and used the braying Demonrat jackass as the logo.

  4. Kcir, that’s better than the suggestion I sent them. Instead of the Washington Redskins, I said they should change the name to the Washington ALCOHOLIC WIFE BEATERS WHO LIVE ON RESERVATIONS.

    It doesn’t really roll off the tongue like I thought it would.

  5. One of the Dem senators had a stroke and ruined their precious 50/50 majority. But they assure people he’ll be back soon and are sure he’s survive his clot shot stroke. 49 years old.

  6. They can call themselves whatever they like as it will not change the fact that I do not watch sportsball.

    Yeah! This person threw the ball really good. This other person caught it.

  7. Will Commander Cody and his lost planet airmen be their musical mascot? They could always sing Hot Rod Lincoln about Abraham Lincoln driving a hot rod or Smoke, smoke, smoke that reefer (wacky tobaccy), St. Peter at the Golden Gate let us in (ain’t gonna happen) after we smoke another reefer in order to forget how much we suck.


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