Redstate Chooses Sides In Mass Firing – IOTW Report

Redstate Chooses Sides In Mass Firing

Originally created as a forum for voices on the right, yesterday CNN’s Brian Stelter  reported that Redstate had fired a number of contributors who were deemed by owner Salem Media of being “insufficiently supportive of Trump.” More

Former Redstate writer Dan McLaughlin stated that while some important Trump critics were let go, the firings had more to do with “cost cutting” then a new pro-Trump editorial line. More

One fired contributor put it this way about the changes at Redstate, “‘Liberal tears’ is the new operating principle. Unless you’re causing those tears to flow you aren’t being a team player.” More

14 Comments on Redstate Chooses Sides In Mass Firing

  1. The fired ones weren’t Trump critics. They’re Trump haters. Especially Susan Wright. She isn’t critical; she’s vicious — and not just toward Trump. She’s vicious toward Trump voters.

    Ben Shapiro is a Trump critic. The Red State people are just vicious, hateful sore losers who despise us. There’s a difference.

  2. These #neverTrumpers still don’t get it. Their dismissal wasn’t something that was based on actions that happened last night, or last week or even last month – this was a decision based on #neverTrumper actions over the last two years that were damaging a website. These weren’t people just critical of Donald Trump; these were people who hated Trump, were willing to push for Hillary Clinton’s election as President, and who are trying to bring down a duly elected President. These writers are as narrow minded as anyone at MSNBC, and have demonstrated the same type of sycophantic behavior usually reserved for liberals. Hell, even Alan Dershowitz has evolved his opinions about Trump – and Dershowitz has always been an unabashed liberal Democrat.

    The owners of Redstate made a business decision: conservative folk would probably tolerate criticism of Donald Trump and his policies, but they won’t put up with #neverTrump. The site was headed in the wrong direction because of this, so the writers that were most responsible for this were properly jettisoned.

  3. Dianny, Benny is “The Littlest Chickenhawk,” who has no problem sacrificing American kids for Israel/Judea. He needs to choose Aliyah and help Make Judea Great Again. Eff him.

  4. Direct your comments elsewhere, odin.

    Pointing out that Ben Shapiro is a Trump critic whereas the Red State folk are Trump haters does not necessitate that kind of response.

    Unless of course you have a hair trigger.

    Simmer down.

  5. Erick Erickson said today that he has offered all the laid off writers from Red State jobs. Personally I doubt that. It doesn’t look to me like he could be generating that kind of income on the Regurgent. He’s now constantly call Trump Supporters “Trump Humpers”. Ain’t that catchy. He’s got an article up today crying about the huge price he’s paid for NOT being a Trump Humper. And at the same time none of his followers can tell you what Trump policy decision, appointment, staff member, or EO they disagree with. As far as little Helium boy goes, when he’s good he’s really good. But that doesn’t happen very often.

  6. Oh, I’m sure Erickson has a spot for Ben “Also Trump’s wife is a whore” Howe. Best to get them all in one place anyway.

    Don’t know that it will make me any more inclined to check in with Red State. A couple of months ago, I was admonished for criticizing the site on fb in a thread. Lightly tapping the keyboard thinking to myself ‘they just don’t get it, or they haven’t been reading there the last couple of years’. Tell me if it improves more beyond baseline good.

  7. If you want to instantly get these idiot frothing at the mouth point out to them that if it were Reagan in the White House and we were back in the 80’s that they would be #Never Reaganites.
    That points actually pretty easy to prove. Reagan had the same group of Moderates and Eastern establishment types that hated him. These are the same people really.


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