@redsteeze Stephen Miller of Fox Catches Mayor of Los Angeles Deleting a Tweet – IOTW Report

@redsteeze Stephen Miller of Fox Catches Mayor of Los Angeles Deleting a Tweet

Here is the mayor’s tweet-

He quickly deleted it, which seemed odd.

Stephen Miller figured out that it was because this was a picture from 2014, during the Obama administration.

You see, it’s not about the kids, it’s about how to score political points, and this tweet was a net negative, so down it came.

Miller continued-

It seems to me if you are truly speechless then it shouldn’t matter who was President when this happened & you want everyone to know about it, because after all, it’s not who we are. Remember?

Villaraigosa responded-

Taking children from their parents whether it’s under a Democrat president or a Republican one doesn’t make it any more right. The key issue is not when it started, but when it will end. It’s wrong. It’s wrong for Democrats. It’s wrong for Republicans. It’s wrong for Americans.

Miller countered-

That’s a great workshopped answer Mr. Mayor. Please point me to your outrage when this happened in 2014 then. It also doesn’t explain why you tweeted it out & then deleted it.


Another person chimed in-

Pradheep J. Shanker, M.D.,

More importantly, if the Mayor really, truly believes this is an outrage…shouldn’t he tweet this out again?

More crickets.

9 Comments on @redsteeze Stephen Miller of Fox Catches Mayor of Los Angeles Deleting a Tweet

  1. I just love it when leftist nubs define “who we are”.

    Hey Villaraigosa, how about grabbing a pair of rubber gloves and heading downtown with a broom & dustpan to pick up human feces and used hypodermic needle. Of more value to your constituents than tweeting mindless socialist bull pucky.

  2. Yes, the children…always “the children”. Never mind our legal citizens who must pay out of their hard-earned income for these people who come here from shithole murderous latin cultures.

    I am concerned about our citizens…we should not have to worry about these invasive species.

    The rat Villaraigosa will find more current pictures to post. Bet on it.

  3. Yup this morally superior titan regularly voices his outrage when illegal European immigrants are treated exactly the same way. He’s a powerful voice for the sympathetic treatment of caucasian interlopers. Just checkout some of his many statements.


  4. So put the blame where it belongs, on the illegal alien parents who make separation a possibility and put their kids at risk by breaking into the United States.


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