Refineries Announce They Are Leaving CA – IOTW Report

Refineries Announce They Are Leaving CA


Meanwhile in the Democrat hellhole of California…

California’s Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom signed a bill to hold Big Oil accountable – only it will lead to gas shortages and price hikes.

Big Oil “has been screwing you for decades,” Newsom said.

“Price spikes have cost Californians billions of dollars over the years, and we’re not waiting around for the industry to do the right thing,” Newsom said.

“We’re taking action to prevent these price spikes and save consumers money at the pump,” he said.

The bill passed the California Assembly last week with a 41-16 vote. Many Democrats did not vote and four voted against the radical measure.

The measure will force local refineries to stockpile fuel and if they don’t follow the new regulations they can be fined up to $1 million PER DAY.

The heavy fines will inevitably be passed down to the consumer and cause gas prices to spike. more here

9 Comments on Refineries Announce They Are Leaving CA

  1. When these refineries leave they need to tear the whole complex down to the ground to the point where none of it can be rebuilt. Then these refineries need to just give the land along with the massive pile of rubble to Californicate to try to build elite homes and businesses on this deeply contaminated soil. They also need to file and have approved a Federal Injunction to prevent Californicate from trying to sue them.

  2. Wait until the Commierats install him in the WH. That bastard also is mandating the only new cars that will be allowed for sale in 2035 will be electric vehicles. This must be part of that plan to drive out oil companies and shutter gas stations in order to usher in the electric vehicle utopia.

  3. Liberal politicians lack any semblance of common sense and never consider the eventual outcome of their insane policies. That is, unless they are intentionally attempting to destroy the country. Makes one think doesn’t it?


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