Refugees are ANIMALS! I didn’t say it, the CDC pretty much has – IOTW Report

Refugees are ANIMALS! I didn’t say it, the CDC pretty much has

The Blaze-

CDC endorsed use of ivermectin … for Afghan refugees!

Looking at 2019 CDC guidance, one has to wonder if one of the reasons why there is such a run on ivermectin is because our own government is using it. And no, not for horses, but for refugees. Yet these same government agencies are running a blood libel-style smear campaign against the drug and its users by misleading people into conflating it with a veterinarian version of the drug, leading many people to think it’s some sort of poison for humans. In the process, they are leaving thousands of COVID patients without any other options for treatment.

“But that is for parasitic infection, not viral infection!” shouts the chorus of ignorant fools who have ignored the past 18 months of ivermectin saving countless lives. Putting this point aside for a moment, that is only a question about efficacy, not safety. Government agencies are slandering ivermectin as if it’s not a safe drug and even convincing people that it’s for animals. Do they consider refugees animals? The point is: People who are now getting COVID – both vaccinated and unvaccinated – are left without any options for outpatient treatment. Why would the government stand in the way of ivermectin treatment that it mass-distributes to refugees, even if the establishment bureaucrats personally believe it won’t help for COVID?


18 Comments on Refugees are ANIMALS! I didn’t say it, the CDC pretty much has

  1. They deny doctor prescribed remedies like hydrochloroquine, or ivermectin, or even Zpacs, but SHOVE an experimental non- vaccine down our throats!

    Elitist Commie bastards. Shoveling lies, using ILLEGALS and ‘refugees’ to destroy America while they dance and debauch over our demise. And almost every member of clowngress is guilty.

  2. From Gab

    Ivermectin has been used in humans for 35 years and over 4 billion doses have been administered. Merck, the original patent holder, donated 3.7 billion doses to developing countries. In 2015 the two individuals who developed Ivermectin were awarded a Nobel Prize for medicine.

  3. Grouchostupido-

    “Shut up! shut up! and take your vaccine you stupid right wingers!”

    Hi marks but not grouchy enough. Also, could use more closet Marxism or fearful cowbell.

    (Who knew? He called me stupid, too.)

  4. @NIdahoCatholic SEPTEMBER 3, 2021 AT 7:32 PM: “Zonga, the so-called monoclonal antibodies are brewed up in murdered children.”

    That’s very disturbing.

    My cursory readings about the production of monoclonal antibodies all pretty much say that the sources are mouse spleen cells (yes, the mice die) plus a line of human myeloma cells that came originally from an adult cancer patient back in 1975.

    Where, please, did you see that murdered children come into the picture?


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