Regarding Bernie’s heart problems… – IOTW Report

Regarding Bernie’s heart problems…

I posted this last night.

He obviously reads

23 Comments on Regarding Bernie’s heart problems…

  1. @Anonymous – yep.

    At least it’s in the middle of a typical week. A few years ago they shut down Century Boulevard, the main artery into LAX, on the day before Thanksgiving, biggest travel day of the year. And the L.A. City Council gave them a permit to do so!

  2. How come the ambulance didn’t drive him straight to the airport for a trip to Venezuela where he could get the socialized healthcare he wants to impose on you and I? What a hypocrite.

  3. He’s just paving the way for Hillary and Michelle Obummer.

    I wonder what it took to buy him off this time?

    I also wonder if he went to Cuba for his free healthcare. I want to see a receipt.


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