Regarding Hillary’s Bulls**t Answer About Lincoln – IOTW Report

Regarding Hillary’s Bulls**t Answer About Lincoln

Trump confronted Hillary with the Wikileak of her Goldman Sachs speech where she says that she has both a private and a public opinion.


Clinton went on a long-winded explanation about how she was simply talking about her recent viewing of the movie Lincoln-

“And I was making the point that it is hard sometimes to get the Congress to do what you want to do and you have to keep working at it and yes, President Lincoln was trying to convince some people, he used some arguments, convincing other people, he used other arguments,” she said. “That was a great — I thought a great display of presidential leadership.”

Okay, fine. I will accept your explanation as to WHY you said what you did. But, of course, that doesn’t complete your explanation.
Now, give us an example of an issue where you hold a private opinion and a different one for the public, because you stated you have two opinions on issues.
We’ll wait.


19 Comments on Regarding Hillary’s Bulls**t Answer About Lincoln

  1. Damm you BFH, how dare you bring facts and logic into the discussion? You probably think the definition of “is” has something to with the third person tense of the verb “to be”.
    When everybody knows words mean what I say they mean except when I say they mean something else!

  2. Gee, now we have Honest Abe lying for Hillary? For the next act of media supported history revisionist theater, we see Hillary do to the man who could not tell a lie what Bill did to Juanita. The punch line will either be “Run George Run”, …or “You might wanna put some ice on that Darlin”.

    MSG Grumpy

  3. Public: I support the 2nd Amendment
    Private: Can’t wait to gut that mother fucker. Add the 1st, 4th, 5th and 10th amendments to the list of cropping too.

    Public: I support the middle class
    Private: Fucking peons, keep them away from me but bring me their taxes.

    Public: Trump treats women like shit.
    Private: Oh Huma, I’m going to go jihad on that snatch of yours.

  4. The most preposterous thing I saw last night was Hillary acting like a cheap carnival barker telling people to go to her site for the facts!
    The second most preposterous thing is all the web sites out there that will tell you she´s telling the truth!
    I can see Venezuela from my house!
    Make America Great Again so that Hillary and her henchmen (known as democRats) can´t complete their “Fundamental Transformation” of turning America into Detroit!

  5. “she was simply talking about her recent viewing of the movie”
    do sane people use “movie plots” as facts of history?

    did she ever read an actual history book which promotes said “fact”.

    and how does changing your position or reasoning depending on audience depict even remotely the idea of “That was a great — I thought a great display of presidential leadership.”?????

    lying to me to get elected is “great presidential leadership”???

    is that why she is always lying?

  6. Public: “Victims of sexual assault have the right to be heard.”
    Private: “Who fucking cares about low-rent bimbos like Juanita Broaddrick, Paula Jones, and Kathleen Willey?”

  7. As soon as that line of shit started out the spew hole, I knew this was a canned answer. I can see the suits around the table:
    “Yeah, say you were remarking about ABE LINCOLN! He will fold like a cheap chair! I know! Say it was about him repealing slavery! Suck on that Trump!”
    Then Trump steps on their corsage and ruins it for her.
    Baw Haw!

  8. “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.” – Abraham Lincoln

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