Regarding our two telescopes in space… – IOTW Report

Regarding our two telescopes in space…

Created by Quinn

17 Comments on Regarding our two telescopes in space…

  1. Wow! Good job in noticing the connection. Either NASA did it on purpose, or more likely were completely oblivious to the apparent link to the Clinton Crime Family.

    Webb Hubbell, back in the news again.

  2. America has two telescopes and Chelsea has two Daddies – one biological and the other adoptive.

    Adoptive or cuckold you decide which he was. With his roving eye who knows where the former first lady of Arkansas crawled in search of cattle futures.

  3. “…Adoptive or cuckold you decide which he was…”

    Quite frankly, I seriously doubt that Slick is/was a cuck. He probably was glad that his cow wife could find some fool schlub to stick his schlong in her nasty cavern. Kept her from riding his ass for not satisfying her animal needs.


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