Release of Video Shows the “Poor Kid” Tried To Run the Police Officer Over – IOTW Report

Release of Video Shows the “Poor Kid” Tried To Run the Police Officer Over

The IDIOTIC Daily Mail says the “teen” was “unarmed.”


Have the editor who wrote this headline stand in front of my car and let him know I am “unarmed.” Let’s see how he feels about me being without a weapon when I run him over.

For those not familiar with this case, a “poor innocent” kid was “on his first date” with some skanky looking girl. She misdialed a text and sent a message to a police officer about selling cocaine and marijuana. He answered and set up a sting.

When he showed up and identified himself as a police officer, the poor innocent kid, who had cocaine and marijuana on him, attempted to run over the cop in order to speed away.

The cop shot the “unarmed” kid dead before he became an oil spot on the pavement beneath the dopey kid’s car.

See video at the link.


37 Comments on Release of Video Shows the “Poor Kid” Tried To Run the Police Officer Over

  1. I watched it several times and it sure looks like the cop positioned himself close to a moving vehicle, and then shot the driver instead of stepping back away. He may have even touched the vehicle with his left hand – just to make it “justifiable”.

    Even if the kid was dealing drugs, that’s still not a killing offense in America. I would have moved away from the moving car and got back in my patrol car and radio in a pursuit.

    I get the impression that a lot of these cops are power hungry control freaks who are not willing to have their orders disobeyed, even to the point of killing the “subject” with the opposing views.

    He raced in there through a public parking lot like he was after a serial killer. Just a stupid doper kid with an ugly girlfriend. A couple years in jail at most, not the death penalty.

    Some cops are just as out of control as the criminals, they give themselves a bad name with acts like this one. Did there have to be a death involved with this incident? No, absolutely not. Easily preventable.

  2. My thoughts mirror yours here Unruly. They had the identity of the girl from cell phone records where she mistakenly dialed the cops. They had the tag number and description of the car (not sure which one’s car it was).

    The cop really wasn’t that close to being “run over” and he actually stepped out of the way to fire his pistol AFTER the front of the car was safely past him (I watched that section of the video several times). He could have shot the tire out just as easily as shooting the kid (while that may not be feasible in most cases, it was in this one).

    Even if they had gotten away at the time, they could have picked them up later (probably within a few minutes) and then he could be charged with resisting arrest and fleeing an officer along with the drug charges. To me, this shows an out of control cop shooting a kid when there were much better ways to end the situation.

  3. I’m not saying the kid was a an angel and did nothing wrong; but, the cop put himself in harms way.

    The kid was trying to flee. If the cop just stood back a few feet he would have been safe. Instead he runs up next to the car where it could be possible that he gets ran over.

    I know it’s the job that puts cops in danger; but they shouldn’t create the danger themselves. The situation should have been handled differently.

  4. I don’t think you should die because you don’t have your drivers liscence on you. So Monday here in town the police chased a couple robbery suspects through town at 100 plus until they crashed into a mother and daughter in a mini van. Same thing right? No quarter. In both shootings LEO would have caught them if they fled. I can tell you this, if they followed the same guide lines as any ccw the cops would be in jail right now. Look I’m a big fan of LEO, And intelligent LEO would have handle this differently in both cases.

  5. Beer gut: Check
    Shaved Head: Check
    “Bad ass” Tats: Check
    “bad ass” shades: Check
    Tactical Holster with H&K: Check
    Paramilitary uniform: Check
    I think I have seen enough to make a judgement.The cop is a Ranger wanna-be poser.

  6. I just can’t take this shit any more. I watched Megan Kelly on her File the other night. She had Mark Fuhrman on with Carl Dix. My question was WHY? I know Mark is a detective, so do most informed people. But Carl Dix? He was in Ferguson Mo the evening that the thug Michael Brown was shot. He was also in New Your when Eric Garner died. Dix is a big time Agit/Prop agitator for RevCom, the revolutionary Communist Party He told Kelly that he saw Eric Garner murdered. He said on her program “I saw Eric Garner murdered.” Wonder if he was a witness at the trial? He sure is a travelling son of a bitch. Well supplied with “Hands up don’t shoot,” signs and “Black lives matter signs.”
    Why the fuck can’t the media get this all together? Carl Dix and his cohorts are only bent on the destruction of American Law Enforcement, and eventually America
    Are the Media on his side? Why is he not outed as a communist?

  7. As much as I hate dope dealers, if cops get away with shootings like this one, what’s to keep them from shooting one of us if we choose to drive away, or they just think we are trying to get away? Or what if the guy is deaf and can’t hear the cop shouting?

    I want law enforcement, but not a police state. It’s like “make the arrest or kill the suspect” nowadays. And there’s something terribly wrong with that. They are public servants, not public masters.

    Wonder what this “PBA rep” was that the cop said to call for him? He thought about that before he even called for an ambulance?

  8. The destruction of law enforcement is not their goal. Civil unrest is their goal. Marshal law is their goal. They won’t like it when they get it, but that’s what they’re after.

  9. Ok, I get what you are saying now. That video is so jumpy and my internet connection is slow. I had to watch it a few more times. Been a while since I saw that one. Looks like he shot a drunk driver, but I still can’t tell if he was tangled up or just hanging on to the car?

  10. Brad. I just saw the video. In a case like that I could not shoot. I’d try to get the license plate and pick him up later. My God ,what decision have to be made? I’m just glad I’m out of it. God Bless our Law Enforcement Officers because, good or bad, they are our last line of defense. Pray that they think American and understand the Constitution.

  11. You left a few things out, Joe. The “kid” was a criminal, who was trying to drive around a cop who was POINTING A GUN AT HIM. He was guilty and he knew it and he was trying to flee, and he didn’t give a damn if he ran over the cop in the process.

    The innocent, little flower was another “victim” of suicide by cop.

  12. Most Leo are awesome. It requires much more than most people realize. But good LEO know when to take a small step back. It’s a very complicated job with little glory but I don’t think the glory is why the good ones do it.

  13. Sorry, I know I’m in the minority here, but I have no sympathy for the “poor unarmed” drug dealing kid. I think bfh’s point was the a**hole Daily Mail saying the kid was unarmed. No matter who you think was in the right, the kid was definitely armed. A vehicle is a pretty deadly weapon.

  14. If I remember correctly, this drunk driver actually did have a pistol under his leg at the time. I don’t know whether the cop initially saw it or not, but it was discovered once he rolled to a stop.

  15. The shooting took place less than one mile from my house and the state law agency (SLED) has investigated it thoroughly. The “kid” got what he asked for, it is not wise to be involved with drugs and attempt to run down a police officer. Would love to see a picture of the poster child closer to his time of death rather than the baby faced child his family and lawyer are showing.

  16. Shoot out the tires??? YHTBFKM. It isn’t hollywood people, that’s like shooting for the knee, if the LEO had done that the kid wouldn’t have been able to use his leg to stand on the accelerator or shoot him in the hands so he couldn’t hold the steering wheel.

    This was a DRUG DEALER

  17. It’s clear the moment this cop received the text, his cock got really hard. So hard was his penis that driving to Hardee’s (no pun intended) under the restriction of tight pants, a seatbelt and a kevlar vest, his head swelled like a melon. He was therefore unable to act rationally because he hit the jackpot accidentally, while he was stroking his pud on an interstate off ramp.

  18. To be GOVERNED is to be watched, inspected, spied upon, directed, law-driven, numbered, regulated, enrolled, indoctrinated, preached at, controlled, checked, estimated, valued, censured, commanded, by creatures who have neither the right nor the wisdom nor the virtue to do so. To be GOVERNED is to be at every operation, at every transaction noted, registered, counted, taxed, stamped, measured, numbered, assessed, licensed, authorized, admonished, prevented, forbidden, reformed, corrected, punished. It is, under pretext of public utility, and in the name of the general interest, to be place under contribution, drilled, fleeced, exploited, monopolized, extorted from, squeezed, hoaxed, robbed; then, at the slightest resistance, the first word of complaint, to be repressed, fined, vilified, harassed, hunted down, abused, clubbed, disarmed, bound, choked, imprisoned, judged, condemned, shot, deported, sacrificed, sold, betrayed</b.; and to crown all, mocked, ridiculed, derided, outraged, dishonored. That is government; that is its justice; that is its morality.

    ― Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (1851)

    General Idea of the Revolution in the Nineteenth Century, translated by John Beverly Robinson (London: Freedom Press, 1923), pp. 293-294.

    [emphasis added]

    You’re not helping, Dave.

  19. I am a former cop and in my opinion that was not a clean shooting. Now I agree that teen was stupid, but cop had all the info needed to arrest later. Also he could easily get out of the way. The other one was cleaner, but again the cop could have not put himself in the situation where he was fighting a guy in a car. Cops make bad tactical decisions all the time and get away with it, because most people do what the cop says. That I think is changing, which will only lead to more of this.

  20. SOMEBODY GETS ME!!!!!!!

    That IS the point.
    I’m also reacting to the months long PR campaign about this kid.
    I was falling for it.
    Pictures of him fishing, looking nerdy, etc. just out on his first date.

    We can argue all day long about whether the cop was justified or not, I’m more interested in how the media manipulates and people fall for it.
    We don’t like it when blacks are depicted in their cap and gown, but not when whites do it?

    We get upset when the media says Michael Brown was unarmed and it’s up to us to point out he is armed simply by his massive size.

    Then I post the DuBose case and the cop is suddenly justified killing the guy. One person said they found a gun later on.


    The cop was Kreskin? He knew this?
    And even if he saw the gun, that’s justification for shooting him in the head as he was driving away?

    How did shooting him untangle his arm from the seatbelt?
    Answer: It didn’t.

    He shot for no reason.

  21. A former cop, you say?
    And he had all the info to arrest later??

    Arrest on what charge? Texting?

    You’ve just made the case to end the war on drugs. Most people here are saying, without overtly saying it, that they don’t think the cops should take drug offenses all that seriously.

    So, let’s decriminalize it.

    Cops see it all the time. With drug dealing comes weapons.
    We want cops to catch illegal drug dealers, but do so in a way that doesn’t cause too much discomfort to anyone involved.

    So, instead of debating this stuff when it happens- “the cop used too much force. The cop’s a cowboy. Drug dealing is not a capital offense.” – legalize it.
    Otherwise come to grips with the reality that when cops enforce the law you want on the books, they know that drug dealers are dangerous people.
    They’re not Opie Taylor waiting to go down to the fishing hole with pops after he deals a few 8-balls.

  22. By later I mean pull over with more guys, but I agree legalize it. Why not. I work with drug addicts now. I don’t believe there would be that many more addicts if drugs were legal. Problem is because of the asset forfeiture laws government won’t do it. The guys I work with can get whatever whenever right now. I can send you my pic in uniform. I looked hot back in the day. I just think this cop could have played it different before he got out of the car and that is what is going to get him in trouble.

  23. They had the car identified, the vehicle plate number, her phone number. The kid was not compliant and has culpability in the matter but really could have been caught up with later. maybe they miss this one bust but better than a dead kid. Officer could have moved to safety, but was already adrenalized judging by the way he pulled into the parking lot. Honestly think it did not have to end this way. I am not advocating anarchy but this could have been handled better.

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