Released From Gitmo, Given $1.2 Mil By The Brits, Dies Driving Car Bomb for ISIS – IOTW Report

Released From Gitmo, Given $1.2 Mil By The Brits, Dies Driving Car Bomb for ISIS

Time  A former Guantánamo Bay detainee paid over $1 million in compensation by Britain’s government died fighting for ISIS in Iraq this week, raising a storm of controversy that has sucked in the U.K.’s security services, its government and former prime minister.


Jamal Al-Harith, also known as Abu Zakariya al-Britani by his friends in ISIS, died earlier this month attacking coalition forces outside of Mosul, Iraq.

The left loved this guy so much they even wrote him into a play titled “Guantanamo: Honor Bound to Defend Freedom.”

14 Comments on Released From Gitmo, Given $1.2 Mil By The Brits, Dies Driving Car Bomb for ISIS

  1. Al-Harith’s family said in a statement seen by the BBC that media coverage of him had been “distorted and over-simplified.””Whatever he may or may not have done since then they believe from their own experience he was utterly changed by the physical and mental cruelty and the inhuman treatment he endured for two years at Guantanamo”

    So $12 million seems fair.

  2. Wow, how will ISIS raise that kind of money, now that Gitmo visitors have to remain?
    Let’s see, $1 Million divided by 72 virgins…
    That nigga’s gonna be fucked for a long time.

  3. His family can whine and cry all they want about how bad he was treated at Gitmo, but I bet when they spend that $$$ they are smiling and hoping another one get’s released in their family soon.

  4. How many other Obama gifts to the world are just waiting to explode onto the headlines? One is one too many but I fear there will be more.

    From now on we should just extract the information needed on the battlefield and then just neutralize the threat.

  5. a Brit filthy mohammedan savage, eh? He probably didn’t hit his target squarely BECAUSE HE WAS DRIVING ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE FUCKING ROAD!!

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