Reliable Energy – Weather or Not – IOTW Report

Reliable Energy – Weather or Not

PickeringPost: We are told, incessantly, that man’s use of hydrocarbon fuels will cause climate catastrophe, with more droughts, heat waves, bush fires, floods, blizzards, snow storms, typhoons, hurricanes, super-storms and “weird” weather.

Why then would governments compound these claimed risks by pushing weather-dependent energy like wind, solar, hydro or tidal power?
During heatwaves on sultry summer afternoons, wind power fails when our cold rooms, fridges and air-conditioners need it most. And overheating turbines start bush fires.

On cold still winter nights, wind and solar will produce zero power when all the trains, heaters, TV sets and coffee machines are sucking energy at the end of a footy match.

In a gale, turbines switch off to avoid damage; in still air they sit idle;  MORE

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