Remake of Romeo and Juliet sees the extermination of “cisgender” men – IOTW Report

Remake of Romeo and Juliet sees the extermination of “cisgender” men

Out Magazine

The “diverse” cast includes “six female and gender-nonconforming actors, as well as a fully female and gender-nonconforming crew.”

“As the government still relies on martial law to keep the factions in check, two young heirs unexpectedly fall in love. One is from the Montagues, the militaristic warmongers responsible for the purge of society’s men. The other is the Capulets, controllers of information and the media, fighting to regain independence from a sovereign state,” Out explains


ht/ christian pdx

10 Comments on Remake of Romeo and Juliet sees the extermination of “cisgender” men

  1. At the end of the play, cisgenderman (I had to look that up) kicks open the door looking for Juliet. He was warm for her form, but found some freak dressed up in her dress. He pulled his gat, and put one in the head of everyone on stage. And left looking for little Red Riding Hood. That gurl be fine.

  2. Why are gays so racist? There are no black males in the future? Or black people for that matter? WHY ARE WHITE FAGS SUCH FUCKING RACIST DOUCHEBAGS!?!?

    Clearly this play is merely a front, hiding the true agenda of homosexuals, which is, of course, the lynching of every black male on the planet.

    Gonna’ need some marches organized….schedule some muggings…oh… and get this play across the pond so all the principle actors can get that ass eating disease.

  3. I heard that Clint Eastwood is working on a cisgender remake of “Every Which Way But Loose”. Joy Reid declined the offer to play Clyde. Al Sharpton was going to play Clyde but Clyde had better hair, ummm evrywhere. Maxine, unavalible or noncometose…..Finally they settled on Joy Behar, but the makeup put the budget into the high several hundreds and Clyde went on a banana strike thinking Joy got better bananas….

  4. My bad. Ate some spicy food. It always angrys up muh blood.

    The simple way to deal with this is Schindlers List. Yup. Remake that classic date movie with gays replacing the nazis and heteros for the jews and this deal writes itself.

  5. Movies that could really be garfed up if they were made cisgender…
    ‘The Quiet Man”….
    “Cool Hand Luke”…
    “Saving Private Ryan”…
    ‘Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas”…
    “Adam’s Rib”…

  6. Cis, Pan, Teflon, Ceramic, so many choices? Went to the kitchen and decided on spatula and potato masher! @willysgoatgruff, Harold and Maude was really a confusing time!


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