Remember—Dipshit Biden Overtly Lying While Obama and Pelosi Look on Glowingly – IOTW Report

Remember—Dipshit Biden Overtly Lying While Obama and Pelosi Look on Glowingly

Look how easily Biden lies… or maybe he believes the crap that spills out of his mouth? That is even more frightening.

22 Comments on Remember—Dipshit Biden Overtly Lying While Obama and Pelosi Look on Glowingly

  1. They don’t care. None of them have any shame.
    And they are just waiting for ‘Dominion’ – i.e. the vote counting machine, in whatever form it takes = to do its job in November.

  2. Lying liars LIE! They think the public is stupid…. well we know that progressive democraps act stupidly if not hatefully, but I meant the rest of us…

  3. I never understood the hoopla about the bleach speech. Trump plainly said that something similar to that could be used to fight covid. It’s not like he was suggesting people inject real poisons into themselves….like they actually do when undergoing chemotherapy.

  4. Obama standing there with his nose in the air and arms crossed like a douchey tough guy.
    These people are a living example of the old “How do you know they’re lying? Their mouths are moving”

  5. Satan is the Father of All Lies.
    Why would Satan’s children be ashamed of lying?

    Sowing discord, hatred, treason, mistrust, suspicion, and violent foreigners across the nation is their only purpose – the dissolution of America and the collapse of Western Civilization – to be replaced by an actual Hell on Earth.

    This has always been Satan’s aim and now it is within his grasp – he has suborned enough people to bring his plan to fruition – or so he hopes. Satan sits in every capital on Earth and on the shoulders of (seemingly) the majority of politicians and judges.

    A great tribulation is coming, I fear. Lies and imbecilities are propounded without the least bit of embarrassment or shame – from the “trans-gender” bullshit to racial divisiveness to Academic malfeasance to politics and on and on. It simply cannot sustain itself – at some point reality reasserts (when Almighty God has had enough).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Better watch whut yer sayinng! Remember he was at the top of his class, has a higher IQ than all of us and Franklin D Roosevelt got on TV to tell everyone that!
    This rat-fxckin grinning imbecile spent over a half century liyin, cheating and stealing his way thru college, politics and life in general and dimensia has only recealed his tru character to the world!

  7. Satan doesn’t require everyone believe him, as long as he can sow confusion, doubt, and division.

    And there’s enough people that are still willing to listen to Pedo to accomplish just that.

    Remember that Eve only believed the serpent because she WANTED what he said to be true.

    And Adam was right there with her.

    …Confirmation bias is one hell of a drug.

    And many people would rather kill us all, themselves included, than admit they were wrong.

  8. Doubtful that Joetato , Mrs Pelosi or Barak Hussain Obama would have a clue about mixing and pouring concrete while erecting a building yet Joetato says Trump doesn’t care about Science… Ugh

  9. The cool thing about being amoral is there is no such thing as a ‘lie’. It’s just words that work at the time. Hilry Clintoon was a past master at the amorality game. No one home with that broad.


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