Remember, Flint can’t be the only place where the water went a little funny – IOTW Report

Remember, Flint can’t be the only place where the water went a little funny

How do we explain these things in America?

17 Comments on Remember, Flint can’t be the only place where the water went a little funny

  1. That guy looks like he’s trying to be a woman. Completely divorced from reality, both biologically and logically. Literally nothing that dude said was anywhere close to reality. I don’t understand how somebody could be that wrong, and still believe they are right.

  2. Another screaming case of Dunning-Krueger effect!

    A cognitive bias in which people mistakenly assess their cognitive ability as greater than it is. It is related to the cognitive bias of illusory superiority and comes from the inability of people to recognize their lack of ability. Without the self-awareness of metacognition, people cannot objectively evaluate their competence or incompetence.

    Sad reality is…this is not accidental.

  3. I would like to put this moron
    on a big stage with a jumbotron
    TV behind him showing Venezolanas
    eating rotting garbage from a dumpster.

  4. I left the US when I was 20 to go see Europe and ended up spending 15 years over there. Venezuela is not that far. If he’s so sure life is better there he should walk the talk and go down there. What’s keeping him here aside from his cowardice?

  5. Cynic MAY 6, 2019 AT 1:06 AM
    That guy looks like he’s trying to be a woman. Completely divorced from reality, both biologically and logically. Literally nothing that dude said was anywhere close to reality. I don’t understand how somebody could be that wrong, and still believe they are right.

    Hadn’t watched the video until I read yours… Thought from the picture it was a woman, played part of it and not sure what it is…

  6. Cynic, you are right on. Many of my music students over the years have been liberal professors, attorneys, etc. On a scale of 1-10 their cognitive abilities were about a 3. Because they had so much cognitive dissonance they were unable to integrate concepts. By far my best students were young people who were either home schooled or came from Christian conservative families.

  7. Lavender and Red. I guess they are faggo-communists. Two great evils unite as one. And that red-haired little shit is their spokesqueer. That combo means they are sick in mind and body.


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