Remember – the biggest threat in America today is white supremacy – IOTW Report

Remember – the biggest threat in America today is white supremacy

24 Comments on Remember – the biggest threat in America today is white supremacy

  1. Most of the people in my neighborhood are too tired after working and taking care of their families and homes to riot. Only those with idle hands have the time for being any kind of supremacists’.

    The only kind of problem most Americans have is neighbors and citizens not taking resposibility for themselves as whatever color Americans they are,

  2. Tell me again why you’d chance living anywhere near animals like this.

    I don’t know how in the world that guy in front didn’t have his pelvis crushed or his legs broken.

  3. @MMinWA
    JUNE 24, 2021 AT 12:38 PM
    “Tell me again why you’d chance living anywhere near animals like this.”

    Unfortunately, there seems to be a program afoot to relocate these “model citizens” out of the inner cities to the suburbs and rural areas. I’ve noticed a recent influx in my little corner of the world, and coincidentally, a major increase in gang-style graffiti.

  4. I haven’t seen that in either of the 2 AOs I’m back in forth in Tony R. I’ll tell you this, any scum like that that turned up here in the small rural town I’m moving from in n AR would just be gone. What happened to Devon?

    I’m not kidding. I’ve interacted with a lot of locals and it’s a whole different kind of world we live in here. They might get “relocted” but they’re gonna be rerelocating themselves pretty damn fast.

    The Olympic Peninsula in WA? Not even fucking close but at least there’s hardly any of them. Of course white pansies don’t hold a candle to these Ozark man.

  5. Tony R
    A Prepper buddy of mine suggest a news App. News Break. It’s free. You type in your zip code and it keeps you up to date on not only your area but Nationally. They monitor police and fire coms. I can’t believe the violence that is taking place in close proximity to us that we would never know about except for this app. It’s Ghetto hoods coming up from Sacramento into our area in the Foothills. Crazy shit.
    Last Friday some hoodrat decides to attack an old guy in his front yard. He was armed, the gun discharged as they were wrestling, nobody was hit. But it alerted his wife inside and she rolled out with a shotgun and ended the criminals career. Simultaneously, they had another unrelated shooting two blocks away. The area this occurred in is still down the hell from us but a traditionally really peaceful part of town.
    I dunno. BLM hunting parties?


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