Remember the Moron Roundhouse Kicker? – IOTW Report

Remember the Moron Roundhouse Kicker?

The poofter that kicked a pro-life woman has been charged. Turns out, this wasn’t the only time the effeminate terror assaulted someone.


Toronto police have arrested a man who is accused of kicking an anti-abortion protester last week. The man has been charged with assault in connection with the incident, and also faces charges related to an incident at an anti-abortion protest in August.

Jordan Hunt, 26, of Toronto, has been charged with eight counts of assault and seven counts of mischief under $5,000 in connection with the alleged Sept. 30 incident near Keele Street and Bloor Street.

Police allege that a group of people protesting against abortion were approached by a man who used ink to scribble on their signs and then kicked a female protester in the shoulder, knocking her phone from her hand. Police say he also ripped off the woman’s ribbon.

In the August incident, police say that a man on a bicycle approached a group of protesters, tried to grab one of their signs and then pushed a woman into a pole before fleeing the scene.




28 Comments on Remember the Moron Roundhouse Kicker?

  1. Ahhh … so this is an example of “manhood” in Toronto?

    Bike-riding sissies who attack women?
    These are the descendants of Dieppe and Juno?

    Sad … so sad …

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. We need a new word to describe these people. The over-used “Moron” just doesn’t cut it anymore. A new study says each generation is getting dumber by 7 pts on the IQ scale. So it must be around 75 now?

  3. Has anyone noticed that all the weirdness, lewdness, rudeness, and lawlessness is coming from people who identify with Leftist Progressives? I don’t worry about this generation so long as they’re not Leftist Progressives.

  4. We have been told over and over how the decision is a woman’s and a woman’s only.
    Where are all the Progs telling this Jackhole to back off?
    retorical question
    Pretty amazing, the moment Progs feel their ideology threatened, they resort to violence and intimidation.
    Think that is Fascism.

  5. It’s all jokes and For The Cause until he’s being rolled over in his bunk and hears that brother whispering on his neck how he wants to make a baby with him.

  6. Can we please find a better epithet than Libtard? For reasons noted by Woodman…

    We can do better. Brainwashed Morons is a start. Useful Idiots. I’m sure the brain trust here at iotwreport can come up with some great ones.

    Fur, would you consider a post asking for a better word than Libtard? I just think we’re better than that word.

  7. I agree, libtards doesn’t quite cover it. But it works better in this case than “moron,” which is an affront to actual morons who can’t help the way they were born.
    Deranged fucktard seems appropriate.

  8. as a “turdworm” I am appreciative of your apologies…..
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  9. By the way, I might have mentioned this when this first surfaced, but that fookin fag needs his ass whipped. NOT WIPED! but whipped!

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell


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