Remember the Track Race Attack by Baton? – IOTW Report

Remember the Track Race Attack by Baton?

Here is a great re-enactment, including the teary eyed denial.

Watch HERE.

PS The “re-enactment” is a spoof.

12 Comments on Remember the Track Race Attack by Baton?

  1. LOL!!! That’s perfect. I watched than more than once. As Judge Judy always says, “You know how you can tell a teenager is lying? Their mouths are moving.”

  2. If you have ever run a 4 x relay race, you have been tempted to do these things. Don’t tell me any different – although tying the shoelaces together would have taken things to another hilarious level.

  3. What the need for a re-enactment. The assailant reached way back with the baton, which is the exact opposite of what a runner in a race, and swung it into the other girls head

    And the weepy press conference just shows what wokeism is doing to the black mind. They think they can bend reality by going into Al Sharpton mode

    And if the other girl had been white, it might have worked

    Watch the “re-enactment”. It’s a spoof. – Claudia

  4. The violent scumette who hit the runner with the baton should be banned from any organized spot for the rest of her scummy life. If that doesn’t happen, more athletes will be hurt by sociopathic people in sports.


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