Remember When… – IOTW Report

Remember When…

14 Comments on Remember When…

  1. Oh, yes, I remember that well. Another item on the long, long list of reasons why I long ago withdrew my consent to be governed by the crooks, despots, ideologues, thugs, and parasites infesting the US govt.

  2. Thug Government tactics have increased since then.

    Homeland security, gun running ATF, NSA, DEA, partisan DOJ, BLM, IRS, EPA, Dept. of Education, FCC, FTC, ICE, other regulatory agencies and a significantly militarized local law enforcement.
    Land of the free? …… well……. not so much anymore.

  3. Sorry. I disagreed then and now: The boy belonged with his father by law. However the method of removing the child from the host family as shown above, is another matter.

  4. The kid was with his relatives in the USA, not just some wetbacks out of the woodwork. The kid’s mother drowned getting him here, he should have had asylum.

    Which came first, did Elian the lead up to Waco, or was he the icing on the cake?

  5. This was on my mind recently. My son was born in ’88 AND i Was thinking about the U.S.A he has seen in his life. Lot of changes in his time.

    Then I went on to think about he changes in my lifetime…

    What’s it gonna be like in only ten more years?

  6. My 3 children were all born in the 80’s. 1982, 86 and 88 and my Ist grandchild, a girl will be born in a couple of months at the end of July. I fear more for my granddaughter than I do for my 3 grown kids, at least they experienced some freedom growing up when they did. I don’t know what will happen to her future but if I have anything to say about it she’s going to be OK, hopefully and prayerfully.

  7. Please don’t shoot me, but I stand behind Janet Reno on this one.

    She was correct in stating that international law demanded the return of Elian to his father. I am not aware of any country in the world where a parent’s right to custody would be trumped by the rights of others, as long as the father had not been neglectful or abusive. No one had accused Juan Miguel Gonzalez Quintana of those things.

    Therefore, Janet Reno was correct in ordering the boy returned to his father. However, the way it was done was unnecessarily complicated and frightening to Elian. I believe the same goal could have been achieved by having either a Federal or the Dade County Circuit Court issue a summons for her to produce the child in court. If she did not appear, then a bench warrant could have been issued for her arrest. There is NO WAY it should have taken 130 armed INS agents to get the child back.

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