Remember When Ben Affleck Was Exciting New Senatorial Timber? – IOTW Report

Remember When Ben Affleck Was Exciting New Senatorial Timber?

-Ben Affleck for Senate? Actor Could Be Formidable Massachusetts Candidate. (2012)

-Politico – Actor Ben Affleck is refusing to comment on reports that he’s being touted as a possible senatorial candidate in Massachusetts.

Ben Affleck Running for Senate, Probably

Affleck leaves door open for Senate run – CBS News

Ben Affleck won’t rule out a Senate run – The Macomb Daily

Ben Affleck is not denying possible Senate run to replace John Kerry

All of the gushing was a full 6 years AFTER this clip of Affleck groping and sexualizing and demeaning this TV host. He also makes fun of “retards” and conflates being mentally retarded with cerebral palsy. He also seems drunk or high, which makes sense because he’s announced he’s struggling with addiction.

He sounds like the perfect Senator for the left!



There is more evidence in this clip of Affleck’s abusiveness than anything anyone has brought forth about Justice Kavanaugh. Yet, if you polled leftists they would support Affleck over Kavanaugh in a heartbeat.

14 Comments on Remember When Ben Affleck Was Exciting New Senatorial Timber?

  1. I always thought Affleck was a boorish putz but that girl also seems too be honing her gold-digging skills. We don’t know how far this episode went, but it surely disgraces both Hollywood Hypocrisy and #METOO.

    May both their fortunes continue to sink.

  2. If leftist tools still want Affleck to run for office, they will have to wake him out of his drug induced stupor at his rehab facility. LOL! Good luck with that.

  3. “There is more evidence in this clip of Affleck’s abusiveness than anything anyone has brought forth about Justice Kavanaugh. Yet, if you polled leftists they would support Affleck over Kavanaugh in a heartbeat.”

    It’s almost as if they don’t really believe in anything except situational utility and power.

  4. Amateur biologists take note. You are about to witness the creation of a clutch of gonorrhea spirochetes.
    There’s speculation and some very good evidence that this activity is also the illusive source of U.S. senators.

  5. Massachusetts is the perfect state for Ben Assfleck to run for political office. Massachusetts ranks very high in electing horrible people to office. It is one of many states I would never set foot in. I can’t even get passed their accent. The next closest think to ebonics.

  6. Silly people. Don’t you know, the rules ONLY apply to conservatives.
    For the commie demonrat left there is only ONE RULE…..WIN.
    So Ben AlfFuck will get a pass for ANY and ALL ‘faux pauxs’ he may have committed in the past….even the ILLEGAL ones.

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