Remember When the Left Advocated That You Consider Dying at Age 75? – IOTW Report

Remember When the Left Advocated That You Consider Dying at Age 75?

In 2014 Ezekiel Emanuel wrote a piece for The Atlantic where he detailed his belief that humans have largely worn out their usefulness at age 75. He recommended that people should do nothing to survive if they contract a deadly disease, they should just go out to sea on the ice floe, for the good of the younger generations.

The left did not object. They largely nodded in agreement, and their political policies largely reflect this foundational theory, that life is for tax paying productive people who will contribute to the state.

Cut to 2020. Coronavirus has been declared a pandemic and the left is doing everything they can to dismantle our economy so they can hang an economic “Chernobyl” around the neck of president Trump in order to defeat him in November.

They are systematically shutting down sector after sector of our economic engines. And why? To prevent the elderly from dying.


The average age of the people who died in Italy is 79 1/2. That’s 4 1/2 years older than the age Emanuel wants people dead.

This is exactly what the left wanted- to thin the herd through natural selection. So, what’s up? Why do they care about the elderly now?


17 Comments on Remember When the Left Advocated That You Consider Dying at Age 75?

  1. wasn’t this guy O’breezy’s ObamaCare author & advisor & Rohm’s brother? …. they do sleep in a tight circle, don’t they?

    btw, I’ll hold him to his promise to off himself if he gets to 75

  2. I’m 73and walk/run almost 2500 miles a year according to Fitbit.
    Ran a 5K Saturday. Our gym is temporarily closed because of Chinese Virus,but I’ve been doing walk/run sessions over 3 miles with extensive hills in our neighborhood.
    70 is, the new 40 if you keep in shape.

  3. Italy is proof that if you don’t eat a good Sunday gravy with meatballs, Italian sausage and all the rest every week, served with a homemade linguine and crusty bread you will die about 80 years old….If you do maintain this meal plan you will die at 95, naked on top of your mistress after being shot in the back by her 40 year old father….LOL…

  4. My dad was almost 89 and my mom was almost 93 when they both died 2 years ago. My dad’s oldest brother was 99.5 years old (he was born in Sept. 1918 2 months before World War 1 ended) when he died 2 years ago. They also had been married for 65.5 years. My grandparents all died in their early 70’s 50 + years ago in the mid 1960’s and I just turned 67. I want to be around as long as possible and no dumbass like Zeke Emanuel is going to tell me that I can only live to 75, kiss my ass Zeke. If you want to croak at 75 or sooner go for it but don’t expect me to follow you.

  5. here’s one for you Hector … & the rest of the iOTW kids

    The text reads: “This genetically ill person will cost our people’s community 60,000 marks over his lifetime. Citizens, that is your money. Read Neues Volk, the monthly of the racial policy office of the NSDAP.”

    history is repeating itself here in the US … thanks to the ‘progressives’

  6. Someone make a note to show this to him if he ever hits 75. Hand it to him without saying a word, followed by a revolver, handle first, loaded with one bullet. Then tap your foot impatiently.

  7. Ezekiel Emanuel is a sinister fascist. The death of Boomers would allow maniacs like him and his sinister brother to get power in this country, and use it to destroy us.

    Sick, sick fucks.

  8. “Remember When the Left Advocated That You Consider Dying at Age 75?”

    Yeah, and I also remember when the Dems promised to do “whatever it takes” to drive Donald Trump from office.


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