Remembering a True Hero, Major Dick Winters – IOTW Report

Remembering a True Hero, Major Dick Winters

You know about his life from ‘Band of Brothers’ — here’s the rest of his story, which is worth remembering on this historic weekend.


He was born on Jan. 21, 1918, in a small town in rural Pennsylvania. He was, until 2001, a not very well-known retired soldier.

But an HBO series that aired that fall changed everything. The series was “Band of Brothers,” and while nearly 10 million people watched the first episode, millions more have seen it since. Consisting of 10 hour-long segments, it may just be the best war movie ever made. It’s certainly a story about the best group of soldiers America’s ever made, and features one of the finest leaders this country’s ever had: Major Dick Winters.

A longtime resident of Hershey, Pennsylvania, Winters died in 2011 just shy of his 93rd birthday, not far from where he was born. But it’s his life we should celebrate every year, and the lives of the men he fought with.

“Band of Brothers,” based on a Stephen Ambrose book of the same name, chronicled the men of E Company, 2nd Battalion, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division. The unit was known as Easy Company — but there was nothing easy about their mission.

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11 Comments on Remembering a True Hero, Major Dick Winters

  1. A great movie-a great bunch of real men that made America great-and what do we have now? a bunch of sailors crying on a ship because some rag heads boarded their boat?

  2. @just pass’n thru at 3:49 pm

    Your feelings are understandable. However, your last sentence is way off Base and not representative of the Facts or who We are. Would you like to Revise and Extend?

  3. M’on Back, you are correct in what you say, and while JPT is justifiably pissed about that incident, it is more emblematic of the absurd and humiliating ROE Obama and his Perfumed Princes forced on our troops. But it’d be better if you hadn’t said “that’s not who we are”;>)

  4. It’s men (and women) like Dick Winters that gave us the freedom to overcome ideas and ideologies of people like Barry Soetero aka BHO.

    I just finally endorsed my daughter’s interest in attending the Naval academy in a few years now that the CIC has changed to a person who seems to dignify service not shame it.

  5. For every story written or movie made there are tens of thousands untold, unheard and unseen accounts of personal struggle, dedication, patriotism, heroism and sacrifice.

    Hat tip to every man and woman who chose to serve our Nation in time of war and peace.
    They all have a story to tell.
    We may never here your individual story but your sacrifices are appreciated and never forgotten.
    You have made this Country great.

  6. @Cato – My dad, sitting 3 feet to my right, a 94 years old ww2 vet, says “you bet your last buck there are lots of heros from then and now a days it ain’t just us, America is made of ass kickers”

  7. There are many stories out there that you won’t
    hear. Many of them don’t want the stories told.
    They want to move on and live their lives.

    Don’t forget that.

    As for those sailors captured by the Iranians?
    What was their ROE, the squadron Commodore was
    shitcanned for a reason. WHY? I think they were
    let down by a shit command and set up for failure.

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