Reminder – IOTW Report


18 Comments on Reminder

  1. Amazing what “white Christian women-hating toxic masculinity spewing racist transphobics” can do when they are not shackled to those mentioned above and are required to fix the rest of the world’s problems.

  2. When I was doing grade check on road construction we used engineering tape measures. They’re set in tenths. Also in framing you can use the nineteen point two markings on your tape measure. Five will break at eight foot.

  3. In spite of F ≠ ma in the British system, (where F = ma/gₒ), we made it to the moon anyway. For those not familiar with the British, their correct mass units are “slugs” not pounds. There are 32.2 “lbs. mass” / slug (the source of gₒ above).

    So. the Brits are Slugs. and the French are Frogs.

  4. Old joke: Ask an engineer what three times four is and he’ll pull out his slide rule, fiddle with it for a few seconds, and answer “Oh, about 12.”

    I’ve still got the Keuffel & Esser my father gave me, and the Pickett log-log duplex trig I won in high school for being the #1 slip-stick jockey in the incredibly nerdy Junior Engineering and Technical Society. (Woo! …and likewise, Hoo!)

  5. I use feet, pounds, and gallons, etc., by choice, but I spent years as a kid living in a country where everything was metric, so I’m fairly comfortable with that.

    To be honest, there are a few advantages to metric. But if the benefit of metric is an amoeba, the cost, hassle, and risk of converting to it is a blue whale.

    My main gripe with metric is that temperature measurements are not as precise unless you use a decimal point. One degree Centigrade (I learned metric before they renamed it to Celsius) is 80% larger than one degree Fahrenheit.

  6. I learned to use a slide rule in high school chemistry class. In the Air Force, we used a special slide rule that was specially commissioned by the Air Force and was known as a photo interpreters slide rule. The front was standard and the back side had special markings used to make calculations pertaining to measurements used in photo interpretation. The Air Force guarded those things pretty carefully.

  7. I remember using a slide rule in the Air Force in the 60s and migrating slowly to LED calculators. But I have no idea where the slide rule might have ended up today and I doubt if I could do much with it, except flash it about to impress the G kids.


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