Reminder: Mid Atlantic IOTW Meetup is Happening Next Week – IOTW Report

Reminder: Mid Atlantic IOTW Meetup is Happening Next Week

Anyone near the Virginia area is welcome. Contact me: ( and I will put you in contact with the organizer.

18 Comments on Reminder: Mid Atlantic IOTW Meetup is Happening Next Week

  1. IOTW Meetup mid Atlantic will not disappoint.
    It’s a completely disorganized group of random IOTW people that have agreed on a time and a place. It’s no more complicated than that.

    Iotw meetups can be done across the fruited plain with little effort.

    Start yours today.

    Like minded people gathering for food and a couple snappers? Not hard.

    Looking forward to it.

    Our group photo?

    Stay tuned.

  2. damn … can’t make it. would love to, it’s only a 3-4 hour drive to get to the ‘area’ … buuuuuuuuuut …..

    same time as our local county fair …. yes, it’s still a big deal ’round here as to who’s bull has the biggest balls … & I never miss the Horse Pull … & I’m in the Horseshoes Tournament … seriously, my granddaughter won Harvest Queen last year … it’s a bfd!

    (plus She Who Must Be Obeyed is dragging me to a Wine Festival later … oh, the Horror!)

    in a couple of years, maybe we can have it at Sharpsburg battlefield … one of the best battlefield preservations still left

  3. I think we’ve heard enough excuses from you Molon. (Font unknown)
    Get your ass down below the Mason Dixon line for chrissakes and mingle with the maggotry Wink wink.

    Cmon y’all. Let’s gather. Pre DC anti impeachment gathering that you know is coming. Best to network now.

    Are you a bit riled up?
    I certainly am and wish to know my allies.

    By face and name. There’s a growing clamor for another march on Washington. Like 9/12/2009.

    The nation is overdue for a visit from us.

  4. Dang Dave, I hope they are treating you well down there. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. We will miss you.
    “The first stage in the corruption of morals is the banishment of truth …”
    Michel de Montaigne


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