Removing Presidential Immunity Would Expose Obama to Murder Charges – IOTW Report

Removing Presidential Immunity Would Expose Obama to Murder Charges


President Barack Obama had absolute immunity for ordering the intentional killing of American citizen, Anwar al-Awlaqi.  The issue of him being a presidential candidate is a non sequitur.

If Presidents did not have absolute immunity, or if the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals removes absolute immunity from President Trump, then Barack Obama can immediately be charged and arrested for killing al-Awlaqi. There is no statute of limitations for murder.  Yes, this is the cold truth of the matter. More

14 Comments on Removing Presidential Immunity Would Expose Obama to Murder Charges

  1. These arguments PRESUME that we are still a Constitutional Republic, a “nation of laws”.

    Pfft! That pony galloped out of the barn decades ago.
    Exaggeration? Chief Justice John Roberts. Discuss.

  2. Blah, blah, blah, blah. President are not kings. The example used here, apples & oranges. Not even close. All you have to do is identify what prior President attempted a coup? I don’t remember the year, “I could shoot somebody on 5th Avenue & not be arrested.” It is a wait & see how the Supreme Court decides this one, not for the general court of public opinion.

  3. BY WHOM? !@#$%?!

    Next to GWB BHO is the premier UNIPARTY Man! When GWB is arrested BHo will be charged!


    How much time has Bush’s grip Lerner spent in jail?

  4. I’m sure Preezy Dronestrike is shaking in his “favorite dress flats”, as his bodyman Reggie Love called them.

    But seriously the gaunt fag with sleeves rilled up on his scrawny arms told his minions that “I want you to argue with them and get in their face”…..The jug-eared f—k who was photographed conducting telephone diplomacy with a baseball bat in hand, the purple-lipped cocksucker who is currently launching missiles from the closet of his unofficial third term, will never be on the docket of any earthly court.

  5. Not only murder, but any harm caused to someone through a President’s acts. Moreover, non-immunity would extend to acts by military operatives who might, say, fly a drone that attacks and kills civilians, or even non-civilians if they pose no immediate threat to others.

    And what about a Seal team tasked with capturing or killing “terrorists” overseas? They wouldn’t be immune either.

  6. The example used here is an Al-Qaeda terrorist, doesn’t matter where this shitbag was born. Dead mofo now. These fucks have no morals, they kill everyone & anyone with pleasure. Killing is a passage of their religion.


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