Removing statues of historic white people is simply a proxy for removing contemporary white people – IOTW Report

Removing statues of historic white people is simply a proxy for removing contemporary white people

Blacks will not stop at statues, trust me.

This is why they hate Trump so much.

With Obama, and his expected successor, Hillary, blacks had the skids greased to fundamentally transform America by kneecapping “whiteness.” Trump’s not on board with that, and why should he be?

I wouldn’t mind so much, the eradication of whiteness, but I’ve seen “blackness.” It’s not better.

35 Comments on Removing statues of historic white people is simply a proxy for removing contemporary white people

  1. Next up on the altar: Antebellum plantation houses. Get ready for arson on a scale rarely seen. Fire departments being told by Democrat mayors to stand down. Police arresting anyone trying to stop the fires. There is a raging fever on the left which may never break.

  2. Personally, I agree with Noam Chomsky. Antifa and their assorted friends and related antics….are a HUGE GIFT to the right.

    We may not see a democrat majority in our lifetimes again if they keep this up.

  3. Gotta question that may have been asked here before. If all these Confederate statues are really that horribly racist, why didn’t our First Black President do something about getting rid of them?

  4. George Washington hated slavery and struggled with the economic and legal situation in Virginia that essentially forced him to keep slaves. He could not replace them with hired hands because none were available. Those slaves he inherited he would not sell because he didn’t want any to get into the hands of mistreating owners. He could not free them because that was forbidden at the time. They continued having children and multiple generations grew within his plantation and he kept them housed and fed (and protected) until it almost bankrupted him. He eventually willed that they all be freed after his and Martha’s death. Read his writings!

  5. What if whitey don’t want to be eradicated anymore than darkie do? This is pure jibberish theory from a know nothing. There’s a line, sweetpants. Y’all are getting treacherously close to it. Remember. We out number and surround you.

  6. Love her straightened hair. Is dat Affican?

    BTW, she keeps seeking to remove everything ‘white’. If we accommodate her in full, what would be left? Detroilet and Ballmawr after the looting sprees? Fine then, just relocate her stupid ass there ASAP.

  7. FYI, this opossum is a LAWYER, ‘educated’ at Wash U and Seattle Law School (thanks mucho).

    “Born on October 26, 1979 and raised in Seattle Washington, Rye learned of the importance of advocacy through her family’s political and community activism. Her father, Eddie Rye Jr., is a COMMUNITY ORGANIZER and a small business consultant and her mother is Andrea Rye, a retired college administrator.”

  8. As long as we’re erasing memories of the Civil War, let’s go ahead and reintroduce slavery. We could house them and feed them. I think cotton is picked mechanically these days, so they really wouldn’t have to work. And let’s not call it slavery, That has such negative connotations, we could call it welfare instead.

  9. Blacks fought against segregation. I see it on PBS all the time. John Lewis pats himself on the back so much, he belches stupidity constantly.
    But how can someone, a Black Caucus Board Member and lawyer be so isolated from society, cloistered in her fantasy black righteousness?

    If she had any white acquaintances, let alone friends, how would she expect them to accept her presumptuous attacks? I’m white, my people were slaves for 400 years to muslims, my family came after the Civil War and were discriminated against by all, even some blacks, but we worked hard and built lives, careers, families, and fortunes. And she thinks I’ll accept her trashing all that because she’s rude, stupid and clueless?

  10. I forgot to point out that is you really, and I mean really want to get to the heart of the slave trade in the United States, you can point the finger directly at Islamic slave traders. To quote an article from al-Jazzera Amerivca,”Black Muslims, which include African-Americans and immigrants from African countries, make up nearly a quarter of American Muslims. Yet they are often left out and ignored by their co-religionists. African-American Muslims in particular are segregated out of mosques dominated by South Asian– and Arab-American Muslims. Referring to black Muslims as abed, or “slave,” is commonplace among some Muslim communities, and many South Asian– and Arab-American families discourage if not outright forbid their children to marry them.”

  11. About her white features straight hair….. naw, I’m not going there. Her anscestors were killed? Which ones, the Irish ones or the black ones? She’s got some line of shit though, and impossible to shut up. I have pity for Mr. Rye, if she’s married.

  12. If these black/blue urbanites get
    the war they are apparently trying
    to start; where do they think the “EDP”card free red/food they stuff in comes from? KFC chicken is gonna
    dry up pretty fast.

  13. “The good news is we can stop it any time we put our minds to it. Sooner would be better.”

    Well, yeah, but if you don’t target the enemedia first – you will lose the narrative war and be the bad guy no matter what. The trick is for it to be clearly defensive if it isn’t a declared war.

    P.S. Annie Girl, AWD isn’t the “what’s next” guy.

  14. Two things,
    One. If her ancestors had not been captured and sole into slavery, she would have grown up in Africa and would not have a tenth of the opportunities in life.
    Two. A Zulu was not allowed to marry until he owned slaves.

  15. Great comments, Jethro and ChristianPDX. Exactly.
    These idiot, hypocritical, black liberation tools, are too blind and stupid to know history and the significance.

  16. They seem to be blind to their ignorance being highlighted by their demanding the destruction of statues of long dead democrats while at the same time supporting the live ones to positions of power, who don’t do a damn positive thing for them. Like telling them – no whining, grow up, and stop blaming others for their mostly self inflicted troubles.

    Their ignorance of the real attitudes about slavery of the men memorialized by the statues is equally appalling, and revealing of ignorance. They were people who did the best they could during a time when slavery was likened to holding a wolf by the ears. (T.Jefferson, I think) However, I blame a lot of the misconception on how history is taught. Pounding into people’s minds the idea that Americans were so evil we are the only country that couldn’t end slavery without fighting an internal war. And that most confederate soldiers owned slaves & fought to support slavery. They didn’t. They viewed their states as sovereign and they were invaded when they should have had the freedom to leave, but were denied the right. The result – After 1865 the states became no longer sovereign states but mere colonies of Washington DC.

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