Reopen All the Closed Down Mental Institutions… NOW! – IOTW Report

Reopen All the Closed Down Mental Institutions… NOW!

34 Comments on Reopen All the Closed Down Mental Institutions… NOW!

  1. I have a criminaly insane monster that has terrorized 7 seniors in this once quiet neighborhood. across the street from me in this corrupt little town of La Marque. You can see the monster and his welfare crime family on my You tube channel…..

  2. It would do no good to open the mental institutions. The shrinks only validate mental illness now.

    If they did open them now, they would rule not liking Communism as a mental illness.

    Just like the

  3. A mental institution with shrinks who only reinforce your insanity would be like a hospital that gives you shots that cause you to get myocarditis, kills babies, and blows peoples lungs out for profit.

  4. Lots of good comments here. Reagan ultimately shut down the Mental Institutions. If you read his reasoning I get it. At the end of the day it was well intentioned, but a huge mistake.

  5. I have a younger brother that is unmanageable. Everyone has tried to help him, he does well for a short period of time and then goes into angry outbursts and threatens violence. If there is alcohol around it only gets worse. I can’t help him and he can’t stay in my house. He’s getting turned down at most care facilities due to his track record. He’s one of hundreds of thousands and there are no good answers.

  6. She’s having a demonic tantrum. Sure it’s facilitated by mental illness, but she needs to be delivered from “demonic” possession first.

    Notice it’s not exercising/exorcism to eliminate a demonic presence, it’s getting rid of them through knowing Christ as Savior and Lord.

    Then, deal with her daddy issues, molestation as a child, self-hate through prayer, the right medication and a psychologist not woke or possessed.

    BTW, for those who get tired of hearing about spiritual matters, just know everything is spiritual. The natural world wouldn’t exist without a foundational spiritual component.

  7. Tony R

    You’ve linked one article proclaiming Reagan didn’t shut them down. I can link about 5K that said he did. He wrote quite a compelling argument for why they should be shut down, In the long run, I hope you are right.

  8. As I recall, the law was passed in California when Reagan was governor after the ACLU succeeded in suing on behalf of the mental patients. As the article I linked notes, the left loves to blame Reagan, thus the thousands of articles that do so. Repeat a lie often enough…

  9. Mental institutions were really vital for stabizing the mentally ill who were in various degrees of instability.

    Some mental patients were given counseling and medication who eventually returned to society.
    The criminal insane and those with severe mental illness – a threat to others and self were kept contained, medicated or given shock therapy.
    (Not jailed and left to prison and jail personnel untrained to deal with violent mentally ill people).

    Unfortunately, as proven in many cases, treatments used to help the mentally ill were subject to horrible abuses, incorrect diagnosis and wrongful death through treatments like lobotomy. Part of the reason why mental institutions were eliminated.

    Now, that we have advanced technology, outpatient care should be more manageable- under ideal conditions. That’s the catch – moral and political corruption and deviant behavior have contaminated the medical professions. At this time, it’s just a waste of resources to reestablish mental institution care. Most would be managed by patients with medical degrees running the asylum. So, society has to be accountable for the moral decay that has left the mentally ill to their own devices.

  10. These people weren’t born nuts – they were created. If you want to imprison anyone, imprison the leftist/swamp psychos who created them to use to take over our country.

  11. This is self hatred and it ain’t pretty. Projection is part and parcel of narcissism and the rapid increases we are seeing in these sort of individuals is a manifestation of envy and the resentment that the progressive movement has inculcated and red to the weak minded.

    What has been recognized as sin in the Christian religion and most other religions for that matter, is elevated to virtue status then exploited by the earthly leaders of that political philosophy. What must always be kept in the forefront though is that progressivism/Marxism/statism are all just front for Satanism.

    My inclination is that most followers are not victims at all, but are volunteers whose arrogance and pride I.e. narcissism combined with unbridled envy of anyone who has anything or occupies any position they feel they are more deserving of, but have been unjustly denied reaches its inevitable conclusion in them believing that recognizing God as above them is anathema to them. They truly believe that individually and/or collectively that they are better suited to direct the grand order of things than God.

    What makes them particularly dangerous is that honestly good people, for whatever reason, concede good intentions to individuals who have willingly, knowingly and of their own volition taken up with Satan. I suppose some of that is a reluctance to recognize that family members, or individuals they consider friends are devotees of Satan and that their lives are dedicated to pleasing their Dark Prince.

    If one doesn’t recognize that Satanism and severe mental illness go hand in hand, you’re beyond help. Satan is a liar a murderer and a thief and to believe his promises of fulfillment and Joy is an effort in futility. It’s like chasing the rainbow to find a pot of gold, you can walk, run or ride a bike to get to the end of the rainbow, but never get any closer than when you started. This leads to frustration and frustration combined with envy that is insatiable drives the bastards barking mad.

    If they would leave others alone I could find sympathy, but they are incapable of that. The best I have is pity, but more so indifference to their suffering. That’s right, I don’t give a shit about their precious feelings. If America could return to the days when the institutionalized were actually under the care of people whose mission was to improve their condition it would be best, but as it stands these days the objective is to coddle them and make it all but impossible to actually help them. I have no more patience for this shit and the progressive movement exploiting and using these people as tools to rape, rob and pillage on their behalf. Yea, that’s right motherfuckers, I believe that self identified “progressives” are living out their wet dreams in which they increase innocent human suffering, misery and death vicariously through the acts of these people. If anyone can point to a single instance of their agenda not delivering exactly that every time they have seized power and been in position to implement it, I might feel otherwise. I keep asking and if there is such, it is a well kept secret. As for their intentions, fuck me sidewaays if someone tells me they were acting in good faith while implementing an agenda with a proven and documented track record of delivering the opposite result and I’m going to buy it.

  12. I can’t imagine people can be coerced into thinkinging up is down, left is right, etc. etc. etc. etc. There is very likely some kind of mind altering drug involved with a simple means to disperse that drug.
    On another note, Who do we get the fluoride from that is put in the water? I’m asking for a neighbor.

  13. Socialist utopia. Every man a god and the state above all man. Someone was playing with an ouija board and called forth something particularly virulent.

    We were warned. We didn’t listen.

  14. …I was there when they closed the Headcase Hiltons down and spewed their contents out int “community based mental healthcare”, which meant barely trained people in unregulated homes next door to you who took in the insane for a stipend and didn’t have to notify their neigbors they were living next to a hallucinating arsonist. I put out their fires, tended their victims (one of my faves was the guy who clouted his minister, El Kabong style, with a guitar)
    ,and pointlessly schlepped them to the hospital when they did enough damage for the cops to red-tag them.

    I say “pointlessly” because the hospital didn’t do a damn thing for them, or want to. The best you could hope for was a 72 hour hold, but usually they got out while you were still filling out the paperwork.

    This was 30 odd years ago.

    Its only gotten stupider since then.

    Don’t look to shrinks for any help. When you get your “sanity” by stud, the child looks a lot like the father.

    And those guys have a very high suicide rate.


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