Rep. Cori Bush (D-BLM): NOT Shooting Capitol Rioters Was ‘White Supremacy’ – IOTW Report

Rep. Cori Bush (D-BLM): NOT Shooting Capitol Rioters Was ‘White Supremacy’

Neon Nettle: Freshman Democrat Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) has claimed that the lack of protesters shot during the riots at the U.S. Capitol building on Wednesday was due to “white supremacy.”

Bush, a prominent Black Lives Matter leader until her recent election to Congress, told MSNBC that the protesters “would have been shot” had they been people of color.

“Had it been people who looked like me, had it been the same amount of people, but had they been black and brown, we wouldn’t have made it up those steps,” said Bush, the latest addition to AOC’s Squad” of far-left Democrats.

“We wouldn’t have made it to be able to get into the door and bust windows and go put our feet up on desks of Congress members.

“We wouldn’t have made it that far. We would have been shot.” more

24 Comments on Rep. Cori Bush (D-BLM): NOT Shooting Capitol Rioters Was ‘White Supremacy’

  1. She believes she’s right about this from her world view.

    So does everyone else taking a position or stand on just about anything.

    So, in the end, it will be the one that manages to capture and change the world view of the people to resonate with his own that rules over us, and it might not be who we think it will be.

  2. There will be slap fights in the House this year. “Moderate” dems vs the squad. I don’t know why pelosi thinks she’s safe. She barely got voted speaker this time and eventually they’re going to pull her down with a ‘no confidence’ vote.

    Cortez is going for Schumer’s job next year. LMAO

  3. They Did shoot someone you piece of shit.
    A white woman who was unarmed and a vet.
    Who did much much less that You wonderful BLM “mostly peaceful” demonstrations put on by the leaches, fall down & takers of society.

  4. @ Anonymous: No. Robinson had far far more class, looks and talent. Just another feral calling for the race war they so obviously have desired for a few decades and will regret when they get it.

  5. boron- She’s a black, louder, AOC. If you see her on video, she only knows how to yell while marching. That’s it. And since she ran unopposed in Missouri, she had a straight ticket to congress.

  6. ” The FBI is requesting the public’s help in identifying other Trump supporters who unlawfully invaded the Capitol” NBC News

    I saw one video of police removing the barricade and allowing people thru. Most of the Trump supporters I saw rush thru were disguised as antifa some of whom forgot to remove their MAGA caps.

    This is really getting tiresome. If anything in this country needs to be looted and burned to ashes, it’s the propaganda machine that the MSM has become.

    Pelosi, Schumer, AOC, Xiden, Kommiela, none of them would not last a week without their water carriers in the media. The media bears as much responsibility as anyone for state of the country. And they know it.

    Watch lil georgie stepalloverus:

  7. I see a new political party with entertainment and social media, wrapped around advanced technology (like Elon Musk’s sat system). The parts are there, just need to be assembled by a group like the Trumps and Musk.


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