Rep. Doug Collins takes charge in GOP impeachment counteroffensive – IOTW Report

Rep. Doug Collins takes charge in GOP impeachment counteroffensive


Rep. Doug Collins of Georgia, the top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, is set to take the reins of the GOP opposition as the House impeachment inquiry moves into the next phase and inches closer to articles of impeachment against President Trump.

A lawyer and former Baptist pastor, Mr. Collins is known for his rapid-fire monologues and colorful expressions that infuse bursts of energy into what will be a lengthy debate on the legal justifications for impeaching a president.

“We have a saying down South when something is going to be important, my mom would tell me, ‘Go on, put your Sunday best on and we are going to go to town,’” the Georgia Republican said Tuesday, bracing for the Democrats’ next move for impeachment.

“Well, a few months ago the Democrats put on their ‘Sunday best’ and said we are going to have rules for impeachment and it is going to take care of everything and we are going to take care of the president. The president will have a chance to look at witnesses and be a part of the process and look at witnesses and question … They failed miserably in trying to provide any modicum of fairness,” he said.

He made the remarks as the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence cast a party-line vote to approve its report backing impeachment, sending the 300-page document to the Judiciary Committee and launching the next phase of the process.

Mr. Collins will take over from Rep. Devin Nunes of California, the ranking Republican on the Intelligence committee who provided a stern and measured beat to the GOP resistance when that committee handled the first leg of the impeachment effort.

“Stylistically, he’s obviously very different from Devin Nunes,” Rep. Andy Biggs, Arizona Republican, told The Washington Times. “Devin’s a little bit more stoic — Doug is more animated. Both are vigorous and aggressive defenders of truth here.” read more

9 Comments on Rep. Doug Collins takes charge in GOP impeachment counteroffensive

  1. We damn sure need someone to take charge. I can’t believe what lame, useless dicks our side has. Hell even Jim Jordan is complaining that the libs haven’t apologized for the Russia story. The libs just aren’t playing fair, sniffle, sniffle.

  2. haven’t been a big fan of Kevin McCarthy, but he’s done a great job with filling the hearings w/ PDT supporters

    Collins, Gaetz, that congresswoman from NY (sorry, forget her name at the moment), Jordan, Radcliff, Gohmert, et. al., have done a superb job of ripping the d’rats ‘evidence’

  3. The Deep State Scum are going after personal phone calls now, Rudy, the DiGenovas, Sekulow, etc. So, how does one fight that? IF they want your phone records? Your provider WILL provide them.

    THIS is about protection of 0bama the Spier in Chief. The Chicago Jesus was and is the Neo-Foundation of the New Democrat Party. He got there for a reason and was kept there for a reason.

    Reason? To fundamentally change America.

    Reason to try and criminalize Trump? Use projection and Alinskyitism.


  4. It is Bullshit that we always allow ourselves to be on the defensive.

    Stomp on the brakes, jump on their chests and demand that THEY defend their illegal activity, abusive declarations and treasonous actions or go to either prison or the gallows….their choice.

    Turn this shit around and force it down their throats or up their ass…..again, their choice.

  5. I think calling it an “impeachment inquiry” is an incorrect description. ‘impeachment lynching’ might be more accurate.

    Then I thought, to be sure, I ought to look up the definition of inquiry – noun: an act of asking for information. “a reporter from New York makes inquiries”.

    Now that’s some funny stuff. Google’s dictionary is equating what Schiff is doing to what NY Times reporters do. I don’t think Adam Schiff or reporters from the NY Times actually ask for information. They don’t ask for information. They only ask for the answers they want to hear. And try to hide / block the answers that do not match their agenda.


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